@efraimsangil & weller96c - Read Finheads post just above. As he mentions, you can simply place one file per system in the marquee folder of each system to do this (the file name needs to match your emulator name). There is no need for many files or the files to match the game names. You're doing way more work then what is required to get that effect.
You can also use the wheel art for the marquee and place the game system logo on the side of the arcade. To do this just put the system logo file in /home/pi/.attract/layouts/robospin(or robospinbeta)/slogos/ folder and make sure its file name matches your emulators name. Below is an example of this.
I'll also mention that you could have better romlist information on the systems you added which would include the manufacture logo, genre logo, year and cleaner looking game name (like you see above) if you wanted. This can be accomplished by making sure your connected to the internet when generating the romlist and have the correct entries in your emulator.cfg file such as:
system Nintendo 64
info_source thegamesdb.net
system Sega 32X
info_source thegamesdb.net
Having the genre data in your romlists will also allow you to build filters based on genre.