Author Topic: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi2, Pi3 and Pi4 - with RetroPie  (Read 701739 times)


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #180 on: May 12, 2016, 01:02:56 AM »

But... So I need to remove the marquee roms games? Because now I have mame.png, etc

Probably not the simple option but I ran a command to export all the file names of the roms for each console I was using to get a list.
Then used a logo for each console (if I could find a transparent background one I would) Then copied the image to the Marquee folder and repeat copied it for the amount of roms so had the same image X amount of times and exported a list of these file names
Then ran a batch script which renamed each logo file to the rom name one after another to get a full list of marquee files for each rom...

Hope I explained that??? Sounds complicated, it wasn't really, I can share the scripts and process in detail if that's allowed and people want the info. Cheers :)

Actaully it's about as simple as it gets, here I'll make it easy for you. Here is a pic of one of my Marquee folders in one of my emulators.
Save a PNG or JPG with the same name as your emultor, In the case AdvMAME. IF there is any missing artwork or if it will use it, or if you would rather have just one for the system (AdvMAME in this case) only put the Emulator PNG or JPG in the folder.

Now point your frontend to the folder in your emulator setup, in my case it looks like this.

"artwork    marquee         /home/pi/.attract/scraper/AdvMAME/marquee"


Progets - Im just assuming here he might be talking about the hyperspin emulator packs available from certian place.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #181 on: May 12, 2016, 01:20:20 AM »
These are some of my personal preferences to setting everything up with Floobs image (or your own AM image based off of RetroPie). I like to use RetroArch with MAME-2003 since it supports the most games, skips the nag screens, can save high scores and can be stretched to 16:9 if you want a full screen look.

1. prepare to create a correct and fully populated MAME romlist
   a. obtain a mame.xml (generate it from your Window's MAME install or download one) and place it in /home/pi/.attract/mame-config folder
   b. modify the following two lines in your the MAME-2003 emulator to read
          import_extras        /home/pi/.attract/mame-config/mame.xml;/home/pi/.attract/mame-config/catver.ini;/home/pi/.attract/mame-config/nplayers.ini

2. setup MAME 2003 to save high score information
   a. run any game using the MAME 2003 emulator (this will cause the /home/pi//RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro/mame2003 folder structure to be built)
   b. download the dat files at (top link)
   c. unzip the file
   d. copy hiscore(pre_mame0133u1).dat to /home/pi//RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro/mame2003/hsdb folder
   e. rename /home/pi//RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro/mame2003/hsdb/hiscore(pre_mame0133u1).dat to /home/pi//RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro/mame2003/hsdb/hiscore.dat

3. setup the history information for the MAME 2003 games
   a. download the history.dat from
   b. unzip the file
   c. copy the file history.dat to /home/pi/.attract/mame-config/ folder
   d. in AM Configure-->Plug-ins-->History.dat-->
      Enabled = Yes
      File Path = /home/pi/.attract/mame-config/history.dat
      Generate Index--> <execute>
   e. restart AM to be able to see and use this information

4. setup filters if you use a full MAME 2003 rom set (0.78)
   a. in AM Configure-->Displays-->MAME 2003-->Add Filter-->
   b. enter the following filters
   filter               "Clean List"
      exception            Name equals pacman
      rule                 Title not_contains bootleg|prototype
      rule                 Year not_contains ?
      rule                 Manufacturer not_contains bootleg
      rule                 Category not_contains Mature|Casino|Mahjong|Multiplay|Quiz|Rhythm
      rule                 Players contains 1|2|3|4
      rule                 Control contains joystick
      rule                 Control contains 2-way|4-way|8-way
      rule                 Status equals good|imperfect
      rule                 DisplayCount equals 1
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               Favourites
      rule                 Favourite equals 1
   filter               "2 Player Simultaneous"
      rule                 Players contains sim
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "No Clones"
      exception            Name equals pacman
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Adult Games"
      rule                 Category contains Mature
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Fighting Scrolling Games"
      rule                 Category contains Fight
      rule                 Category contains Scrolling
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Fighting Versus Games"
      rule                 Category contains Fight
      rule                 Category contains Versus
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Maze Games"
      exception            Name equals pacman
      rule                 Category contains Maze
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Platform Games"
      rule                 Category contains Platform
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Shooting Games"
      rule                 Category contains Shooter
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Sports Games"
      rule                 Category contains Sports
      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
   filter               "Most Played Games"
      sort_by              PlayedCount
      reverse_order        true
      rule                 PlayedCount not_equals 0

5. run RetroArch games in full screen (16:9)
   a. run any game using the MAME 2003 emulator
   b. press "F1" on the keyboard
   c. Settings-->Video-->Aspect Ration Index = 16:9
« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 11:05:13 PM by progets »


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #182 on: May 12, 2016, 01:28:50 AM »

But... So I need to remove the marquee roms games? Because now I have mame.png, etc

Probably not the simple option but I ran a command to export all the file names of the roms for each console I was using to get a list.
Then used a logo for each console (if I could find a transparent background one I would) Then copied the image to the Marquee folder and repeat copied it for the amount of roms so had the same image X amount of times and exported a list of these file names
Then ran a batch script which renamed each logo file to the rom name one after another to get a full list of marquee files for each rom...

Hope I explained that??? Sounds complicated, it wasn't really, I can share the scripts and process in detail if that's allowed and people want the info. Cheers :)

Actaully it's about as simple as it gets, here I'll make it easy for you. Here is a pic of one of my Marquee folders in one of my emulators.
Save a PNG or JPG with the same name as your emultor, In the case AdvMAME. IF there is any missing artwork or if it will use it, or if you would rather have just one for the system (AdvMAME in this case) only put the Emulator PNG or JPG in the folder.

Now point your frontend to the folder in your emulator setup, in my case it looks like this.

"artwork    marquee         /home/pi/.attract/scraper/AdvMAME/marquee"


Progets - Im just assuming here he might be talking about the hyperspin emulator packs available from certian place.

@Omamez - Nothing in this post was from me. My only comment on this was agreeing with others that a simple "Game Console/System" marquee could be accomplished without needing more than one image per console/system. If you read the thread he made an image for every game just to show one system marquee.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #183 on: May 12, 2016, 01:30:19 AM »

Thanks for this information  8)

How many roms do you have working in mame2003?

I am using mame2010 because use an earlier romset (0.139) and filtering clone roms I have 650 roms working.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 02:12:33 AM by efraimsangil »


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #184 on: May 12, 2016, 02:08:58 AM »

Thanks for this information  8)

How many roms do you have working in mame2003?

I am using mame2010 because use an earlier romset (0.179) and filtering clone roms I have 650 roms working.


You're welcome.

All the steps above will also work with mame2010 except for the high score setup.

Mame2010 doesn't support no-nag screens or high score. It's also still considered experimental. It works well and can play some games that mame2003 can't but some games lag a bit in mame2010 that work fine in mame2003. Really the best solution would be to only run the mame2010 games that mame2003 doesn't support by creating separate emulators and romlists and then merging the lists together to get the best of both worlds.

You must have a typo on your rom set. I don't think a 0.179 set is available.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "working roms". Have you actually played each game on the Pi3? I can tell you that with a correct full mame2003 rom set I get 4,703 games, 3,411 with the "No Clones" filter above and 1,610 with the "Clean List" filter above. I will say that my mame.xml was not generated with a correct .078 version of mame so "working games" in my list might not be accurate even though I'm filtering on it in the "Clean List'.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 02:12:43 AM by progets »


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #185 on: May 12, 2016, 02:18:09 AM »

Thanks for this information  8)

How many roms do you have working in mame2003?

I am using mame2010 because use an earlier romset (0.179) and filtering clone roms I have 650 roms working.


Your welcome.

All the steps above will also work with mame2010 except for the high score setup.

Mame2010 doesn't support no-nag screens or high score. It's also still considered experimental. It works well and can play some games that mame2003 can't but some games lag a bit in mame2010 that work fine in mame2003. Really the best solution would be to only run the mame2010 games that mame2003 doesn't support by creating separate emulators and romlists and then merging the lists together to get the best of both worlds.

You must have a typo on your rom set. I don't think a 0.179 set is available.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "working roms". Have you actually played each game on the Pi3? I can tell you that with a correct full mame2003 rom set I get 4,703 games, 3,411 with the "No Clones" filter above and 1,610 with the "Clean List" filter above. I will say that my mame.xml was not generated with a correct .078 version of mame so "working games" in my list might not be accurate even though I'm filtering on it in the "Clean List'.

I fixed romset number, yes... it's 0.139  ::)

Working roms for me is: I am tested all roms one by one. And I have 650 roms working without problems.

I don't know what's "Clean List". Without clones? An option of AM?  :o

I don't try mame2003 because I don't have this romset  :-[

Thanks again


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #186 on: May 12, 2016, 02:26:46 AM »

Thanks for this information  8)

How many roms do you have working in mame2003?

I am using mame2010 because use an earlier romset (0.179) and filtering clone roms I have 650 roms working.


Your welcome.

All the steps above will also work with mame2010 except for the high score setup.

Mame2010 doesn't support no-nag screens or high score. It's also still considered experimental. It works well and can play some games that mame2003 can't but some games lag a bit in mame2010 that work fine in mame2003. Really the best solution would be to only run the mame2010 games that mame2003 doesn't support by creating separate emulators and romlists and then merging the lists together to get the best of both worlds.

You must have a typo on your rom set. I don't think a 0.179 set is available.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "working roms". Have you actually played each game on the Pi3? I can tell you that with a correct full mame2003 rom set I get 4,703 games, 3,411 with the "No Clones" filter above and 1,610 with the "Clean List" filter above. I will say that my mame.xml was not generated with a correct .078 version of mame so "working games" in my list might not be accurate even though I'm filtering on it in the "Clean List'.

I fixed romset number, yes... it's 0.139  ::)

Working roms for me is: I am tested all roms one by one. And I have 650 roms working without problems.

I don't know what's "Clean List". Without clones? An option of AM?  :o

I don't try mame2003 because I don't have this romset  :-[

Thanks again

Most of your .139 set would work with mame2003 or you could build a .078 set from it using the info here If you're happy with mame2010 don't waste your time unless you really want to bypass the nag screens and/or want to save high score information.

When I say "No Clones" and "Clean List" I'm referring to the filters I'm using in the post above. These are an AM option using the "Filters" to sort your games in various ways.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #187 on: May 12, 2016, 04:00:01 PM »
Good afternoon, I'm from Brazil and I follow the work you guys are really Congratulations !!! The v0.4 version - ( Artwork Version) contains roms and arts mame ? unfortunately site does not allow here in Brazil I download a big file like this ( 17GB ) .. is there any other link where that version was hosted ? thank you so much.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #188 on: May 12, 2016, 05:03:40 PM »
Good afternoon, I'm from Brazil and I follow the work you guys are really Congratulations !!! The v0.4 version - ( Artwork Version) contains roms and arts mame ? unfortunately site does not allow here in Brazil I download a big file like this ( 17GB ) .. is there any other link where that version was hosted ? thank you so much.

Why not just download the v0.4 without artwork and add your own, there just downloaded from the forum and progetto.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #189 on: May 13, 2016, 12:49:38 AM »
Good afternoon, I'm from Brazil and I follow the work you guys are really Congratulations !!! The v0.4 version - ( Artwork Version) contains roms and arts mame ? unfortunately site does not allow here in Brazil I download a big file like this ( 17GB ) .. is there any other link where that version was hosted ? thank you so much.

No, there are no roms included, just mame artwork. I'm afraid I dont have another host I could use. Does anyone else offer 50GB free space?
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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #190 on: May 13, 2016, 12:58:12 AM » free


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #191 on: May 13, 2016, 02:01:48 AM » free

Don't know if it's just me but I tried to download the 17gb image 3 times but when I open the file it states corrupt. :\


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #192 on: May 13, 2016, 02:03:14 AM » free

Don't know if it's just me but I tried to download the 17gb image 3 times but when I open the file it states corrupt. :\

It's ok for me. Use any download manager to make that.


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #193 on: May 13, 2016, 03:21:10 AM » free

Don't know if it's just me but I tried to download the 17gb image 3 times but when I open the file it states corrupt. :\

It's ok for me. Use any download manager to make that.

Adding chrome extention: HTML5 Storage Manager All in One may help to download the file


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Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« Reply #194 on: May 13, 2016, 04:59:20 AM »
jdownloader is free and multiplatform - it can handle this downloads beautifully