Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => Themes => Topic started by: Yaron2019 on March 03, 2020, 10:26:40 AM

Title: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 03, 2020, 10:26:40 AM
The Great Themes Collection version 10.3.2 includes 105 beautiful, original, highly polished themes for your attract mode Arcade, Consoles, Computers and Handheld systems. It is best suited for wide screen displays.

All themes were designed and developed by me.
Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 (VM) using attract mode version 2.6.1.

Download the Collection:


Stage 1: Prepare the games roms and media for the emulated system
Download all the game roms and media and place them in folders of your choosing.
For example, for MAME, place the roms in  'C:\attract\systems\mame\roms'

You can download all the media you need from (wheel logos, snaps (game videos), cart art, box art, marquees, flyers, etc)
In attract mode's 'menu-art' folder, create a folder for your system, example:

In this folder create the following folders:

Copy the relevant files to each folder (wheel logos to 'wheel', snap videos to 'snap', etc).

Now you need to connect the emulator to the media. For each system attract mode has an emulator cfg file located in ...\attract\emulators

In our example it will be: C:\attract\emulators\mame.cfg
You can edit this file with notepad or from within attract mode's menu system. Here you will tell attract mode what emulator to use, where to find all the art, etc.

It should look something like this:

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           C:/attract/systems/mame/mame64.exe
args                 [name]
rompath              C:/attract/systems/mame/roms
romext               .zip;.chd
system               Arcade
info_source          listxml
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    wheel           C:/attract/menu-art/mame/wheel
artwork    snap            C:/attract/menu-art/mame/snap
artwork    boxart          C:/attract/menu-art/mame/boxart
artwork    cartart         C:/attract/menu-art/mame/cartart
artwork    marquee         C:/attract/menu-art/mame/marquee
artwork    flyer           C:/attract/menu-art/mame/flyer

As you can see, the "artwork" label tells attract mode to find wheel in 'C:/attract/menu-art/mame/wheel', snap (videos) in 'C:/attract/menu-art/mame/snap' etc.

Replace the paths in the example to the ones you have, save and close the file.

Stage 2: Set up the collection as your themes of choice
1. Copy the contents of the included layouts folder to your attract\layouts folder
2. Copy the 'gtc-common' folder to your main attract folder (where the attract.exe file is)
3. Copy the 'gtc', 'gtc-kb' and 'gtc-pas' folders from the included modules folder to your attract\modules folder
4. Launch attract mode and assign the themes (layouts) that you want to the emulators you have:
Pressing 'Tab' will bring the main 'Configure' menu on screen. Then go to 'Displays', choose the display you want to configure by
pressing 'Enter' and choose a layout from the 'Layout' option (navigate the layouts list with up/down arrows or joystick).

Attract Mode should now know what emulators to use, where to find the art it needs and what theme to use for each system you assigned it for.

Make sure to check out all the layout options each theme has. You can customize many aspects of them. To do so, Press "Tab->Displays->[The Layout you want to configure]->Layout Options" (for example: Tab->Displays->Mame->Layout Options) or assign a hotkey by pressing "Tab->Controls->Layout Options->Add Input"

If performance on low end systems such as the Raspberry Pi is slow, you can improve it by disabling shader related options in the layout options menu:
- In the 'At-The-Arcade' layout series set "Enable CRT screen glow" to "No" and if that is not enough you can also set "Enable lighted marquee effect" to "No" as well.
- In the 'Hyperspin-Theme-Mode' layout series, set "Enable video shader effect" to "No".
- In any other layout (consoles, computers, handhelds), disable any bloom or glow effects, for example: set "Enable CRT bloom shader effect" to "No".
- You can also disable animated backgrounds and the startup animations in the layout's options

The themes included in this collection are best suited for wide screen displays

Themes in the collection (including variations):
Main Menus:
Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode (featured in the demo video)
Main Menu theme

At-The-Arcade Candy
At-The-Arcade HD
At-The-Arcade Sega Model 2
At-The-Arcade Sega Model 3
At-The-Arcade Naomi
At-The-Arcade Naomi v2
At-The-Arcade Atomiswave
At-The-Arcade SNK MVS
At-The-Arcade Capcom Classics
At-The-Arcade Capcom Play System 1,2,3
At-The-Arcade OpenBOR
At-The-Arcade Mugen (M.U.G.E.N)
Hyperspin Theme Mode

SNK Neo Geo CD
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Wii U
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo 64
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Simple
Nintendo Super Famicom
Nintendo Super Famicom - Simple
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Entertainment System - Lava
Nintendo Famicom
Nintendo Famicom Disk System
Sega Dreamcast
Sega CD
Sega CD - Dark
Sega Saturn
Sega Saturn Japan
Sega 32X
Sega Genesis
Sega Mega Drive Japan
Sega Master System
Sega SG-1000
Sony Playstation 3
Sony Playstation 2
Sony Playstation
Panasonic 3DO
Commodore Amiga CD32
NEC PC Engine-CD
NEC PC Engine
NEC Turbografx-16
NEC Turbografx-CD
Microsoft XBox 360
Microsoft XBox
Amstrad GX4000
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari Jaguar
Mattel Intellivision
Magnavox Odyssey 2
Bally Astrocade
Emerson Arcadia 2001
GCE Vertex

PC Games
Commodore Amiga Forever!
Commodore Amiga-Memories
Commodore 64
Commodore VIC-20
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Atari ST
Atari 8-bit
Amstrad CPC
Windows 3.x
Sharp X68000
MS-DOS Vintage
Acorn BBC Micro
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer
Apple II

Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Virtual Boy
Sony PSP
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
SNK Neo Geo Pocket
Sega Game Gear
Atari Lynx
Bandai WonderSwan Color
Bandai WonderSwan
Nintendo Game & Watch

Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download]
Post by: Neosys on March 03, 2020, 11:56:09 AM
Many thanks Yaron2019!!!!!!!    ;) :)
Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download]
Post by: Joe Boyko on March 05, 2020, 08:38:28 AM
This is a great collection. I'm having trouble getting the cartridge artwork to show up though. What folder am I supposed to put them in?
Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download]
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 05, 2020, 08:47:20 AM
This is a great collection. I'm having trouble getting the cartridge artwork to show up though. What folder am I supposed to put them in?

I put it in 'cartart'

for example, the Atari 2600 will be:

This is how the Atari 2600 emulator config file looks on my system:

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.5.1
executable           E:/Arcade/Attract/apps/RetroArch/retroarch.exe
args                 -L cores\stella_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath              E:/Arcade/Attract/apps/atari2600
romext               .bin
system               Atari 2600
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    boxart          $PROGDIR/menu-art/atari2600/boxart
artwork    cartart         $PROGDIR/menu-art/atari2600/cartart
artwork    snap            $PROGDIR/menu-art/atari2600/videos
artwork    wheel           $PROGDIR/menu-art/atari2600/wheel

Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download]
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 12, 2020, 12:31:21 PM
Update 1.1 Released!
- Updated 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' to the latest version
- Added the new 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' theme (demo video:
Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download v1.1]
Post by: OtakuD on March 19, 2020, 02:52:55 AM
Thank you!  ;D
Title: Re: My entire theme collection [download v1.1]
Post by: manzarek on April 07, 2020, 07:38:45 PM
Thank you!  ;D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 10, 2020, 09:29:12 AM
Version 2.0 Released!
- All themes now have a 'Startup Animation' meaning that when you first go into the theme, the graphical parts of the layout will "assemble" unto the screen. This happens
only when you go into the theme, it's sweet, short and doesn't bother you when you navigate the wheel. IMO this is the way to do animations unless you want to create unique animations
per game (a' la hyperspin themes). All startup animations can be turned off through the layout menus.
- All themes are now compatible with both 16:9 AND 16:10 screen aspect ratios.
- New original themes for Sega Naomi, Neo Geo AES, SNES, Super Famicom, Sega Genesis, Sega Mega Drive Japan, Sega Master System, Daphne, GCE Vectrex and Commodore Amiga (Amiga Forever!)!
- Some themes have several versions - when I was not sure what version was better, I included all of them!
- Most themes for computers now feature original mouse and keyboard click sounds!
- All menus have been rewritten and reordered to provide an easier access to features.
- Many bugs were fixed but above all, a nasty memory leak was fixed in the random wheel sound function (I hereby bestow a medal to Oomek for guiding me how to fix this issue!)
- Updated sounds library (separate download below).
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: asahendrix on April 10, 2020, 10:30:08 AM
Really great collection, Yaron!!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 10, 2020, 10:44:02 AM
Really great collection, Yaron!!

Thanks  :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Dexther on April 11, 2020, 01:00:33 PM
please continue !
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Delita Hyral on April 12, 2020, 02:02:43 PM
What a fantastic job my friend, thank you so much for sharing something so well done

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 13, 2020, 05:14:39 AM
please continue !

Thanks, I intend to.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 13, 2020, 05:15:28 AM
What a fantastic job my friend, thank you so much for sharing something so well done

Thank you, this is a really nice thing to say!  :)
More improvements and new systems are on the way.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: PSOGene on April 28, 2020, 09:52:14 AM
it nice collection but you dont have Nintendo 64 OR Old Nes or GameCube or PS2 Nintendo Wii, I feel you include all the consoles theme
also I notice that your theme is so close to Cosmos themes that he created. another thing is when I switch to Hyper spin theme the video dont play. also I wonder if you can add a hyper pie theme this I can share with you hyper pie system intros. if you need them. but all in all its cool collection just that you should of include all the console themes
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 29, 2020, 01:04:19 AM
it nice collection but you dont have Nintendo 64 OR Old Nes or GameCube or PS2 Nintendo Wii, I feel you include all the consoles theme
also I notice that your theme is so close to Cosmos themes that he created. another thing is when I switch to Hyper spin theme the video dont play. also I wonder if you can add a hyper pie theme this I can share with you hyper pie system intros. if you need them. but all in all its cool collection just that you should of include all the console themes

Systems will be added to the collection as time goes by. Themes that are not mine act as temporary fillers and should be replaced - unless I think they are decent and then they remain. The final aim is to have all systems included in the collection.

Theme called Lava v1.2 is for the NES.

As for the Hyperspin Theme Mode, see here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: PSOGene on April 30, 2020, 12:08:52 PM
 :o who were the original people that made these theme in first place and where can I find them ? if your not gonna a plan on adding more.  :o I do need the rest of the collection  :'(
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 30, 2020, 01:52:00 PM
:o who were the original people that made these theme in first place and where can I find them ? if your not gonna a plan on adding more.  :o I do need the rest of the collection  :'(

My friend, I made almost all of these themes...  :) and I am working now on v3.0 of this collection - a huge update with new features, animations and systems.
I also already replaced some of the themes that was not mine.

I hope I will be able to release v3.0 of the collection in this weekend or the next. 
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: jedione on April 30, 2020, 06:02:03 PM
 wish i had moor time like you,,,,great job look forward to the update,, 

no rush...we have eternity .....then the game just starts again
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on April 30, 2020, 11:43:03 PM
no rush...we have eternity .....then the game just starts again

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 03, 2020, 07:19:07 AM

The Great Theme Collection version 3.0 is here and youuu are going to love it!

( •_•)>⌐■-■

In the last 3 weeks I have worked tirelessly rewriting a large portion of the themes layout code so it includes a more sophisticated wheel, more animations and more features in general.

The wheel’s position can now be adjusted so themes can have more space for their art, it’s logos can be set to large or small with their art aspect ratio kept or not (which is especially good for the vertical wheel option). The current wheel logo can have a pulse animation (looping or just once) which is not only cool but visually important if you choose to hide the wheel pointer as it emphasizes the current selection. The wheel logos are now by default opaque – it’s such beautiful art so why hide it? (can be turned back to semitransparent of course – but you will never be my friend if you do so).
I’ve hacked a little (well very little) the pan-and-scan module to create hovering animations which are non-intrusive and provide a more lively theme to look at.
The themes are more intelligent now – if the wheel is not partially or completely hidden, the layout will relocate the position of the box and cart art. Default cart and box art is included in some the themes – mainly in those that use actual carts that are inserted into the console.

There are new original themes for the Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Nintendo SNES, Nintendo Super Famicom, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn Japan, Sega 32X, Sega CD, NEC PC Engine, NEC TurboGrafx-16, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Colecovision, Mattel Intellivision and Magnavox Odyssey 2!
Someone asked me so I’ll be clear: All original themes were created by a team that includes me me and me!

There are still few non-original themes waiting to replaced in the next version. Themes that were deemed not-good-enough where removed.

Some themes have been renamed so they are easier to find by new users, for example: ‘OlRoom Super Famicom’ is now ‘Nintendo Super Famicom – OlRoom’ and ‘Lava v1.3’ is now ‘Nintendo Entertainment System – Lava v1.3’.

A few systems have more then one theme:
- At-The-Arcade and Hyperspin Theme Mode are both for MAME
- Amiga Forever! and Amiga Memories
- ‘Sega CD’ and ‘Sega CD – Dark’
- ‘Super Nintendo Entertainment System’ and ‘Super Nintendo Entertainment System – Simple’
- ‘Nintendo Super Famicom’ and ‘Nintendo Super Famicom – Simple’
- ‘Atari 5200’ and ‘Atari 5200 -  Video System X’

All in all, the collection now includes 69 awesome, high quality themes.

Last but not least, I want to thank Lockheed Martin for sharing their F22 stealth fighter battle management system code so I can improve my layouts. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!  8)

Demo video:

Go to the original post for a download link:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 03, 2020, 10:46:18 AM
added pictures
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: PSOGene on May 08, 2020, 02:14:35 AM
added pictures
:o this the best update ever, only thing we need now is Playtation 2 and Nintendo Wii and this theme collection be 100% complete.

I want to share with everyone becuase Yaron2019 made one the BEST The Great Themes Collection.So here are My video snap system collection for The Great Themes Collection v3.0

its comes with every video snap system you can think of please enjoy it everyone including cartart and more

here a demo video snap system and more  :)

download at google drive the file has 4gb

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 08, 2020, 04:39:15 AM
added pictures
:o this the best update ever, only thing we need now is Playtation 2 and Nintendo Wii and this theme collection be 100% complete.

I want to share with everyone becuase Yaron2019 made one the BEST The Great Themes Collection.So here are My video snap system collection for The Great Themes Collection v3.0

its comes with every video snap system you can think of please enjoy it everyone including cartart and more

here a demo video snap system and more  :)

download at google drive the file has 4gb

You are most welcome! This is very generous of you to share the videos  8)
You will have the PS2 and Wii themes in the next release!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: akafox on May 09, 2020, 07:02:01 AM
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 10, 2020, 04:16:32 AM
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?

Update: All of these bugs have been solved by akafox recompiling attractmode for the linux version. As I have suspected, there might be differences between the windows vanilla attractmode version and a user-compiled one. 

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: PSOGene on May 10, 2020, 06:29:31 AM
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?

Update: All of these bugs have been solved by akafox recompiling attractmode for the linux version. As I have suspected, there might be differences between the windows vanilla attractmode version and a user-compiled one. 

I will now continue to add systems to the collection.
  :o I dont know where to make a report but I used your PC engine CD And Bonk is been cut up on the corner while he moving
here a picture to show you :o
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 10, 2020, 09:08:40 AM
  :o I dont know where to make a report but I used your PC engine CD And Bonk is been cut up on the corner while he moving
here a picture to show you :o

Thanks for reporting!
You are right, I see now that the texture was mistakenly cut when I exported it. I fixed it and it will be available in the next update.

The Playstation 2 theme is ready ;)  working on the Wii as we speak...
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: jedione on May 10, 2020, 07:00:05 PM
Thanks.. This is a keeper bro.. As always
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: akafox on May 12, 2020, 01:27:42 PM
Thank you so much for your time and hard work on making these Yaron2019! With that said I have a list of MORE work for you to do!  :P  ;)

Atari Jaguar
PlayStation 2
Virtual Boy
NEC Turbografx-16 CD

Acorn Atom
Acorn Archimdies
Acorn Electorn
BBC Micro
Tandy CoCo
Dragon 32/64
Fujtsu FM-7
Generic PC  <- for all the free linux games out there!
SAM Coupé
Sharp X1
Sharp X68000

FinalBurn Neo
American Laser Games

Game & Watch
Nintendo DS

That should keep you busy till this covid thing is over!  ;)

I do have a question...I noticed with your sega CD dark theme it played a sound clip. Is there a way to have background music but have it change theme to theme. Just a question..maybe for later. It will not hurt the theme if it doesn't!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 12, 2020, 10:45:15 PM
Thank you so much for your time and hard work on making these Yaron2019! With that said I have a list of MORE work for you to do!  :P  ;)

Atari Jaguar
PlayStation 2
Virtual Boy
NEC Turbografx-16 CD

Acorn Atom
Acorn Archimdies
Acorn Electorn
BBC Micro
Tandy CoCo
Dragon 32/64
Fujtsu FM-7
Generic PC  <- for all the free linux games out there!
SAM Coupé
Sharp X1
Sharp X68000

FinalBurn Neo
American Laser Games

Game & Watch
Nintendo DS

That should keep you busy till this covid thing is over!  ;)

I do have a question...I noticed with your sega CD dark theme it played a sound clip. Is there a way to have background music but have it change theme to theme. Just a question..maybe for later. It will not hurt the theme if it doesn't!

You are welcome.
It's very nice that you want every system in existence but that will not happen of course.
Rub an old oil lamp and wish for two systems you really want. It's 2 and not 3 because you already spent one wish on the new NES layout you requested which is ready. The theme-jinn has spoken.

The collection already includes the Sharp x68000 and Nintendo Virtual Boy. I have released an AWESOME Nintendo Game & Watch theme here (will be included in the next collection release):
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: akafox on May 13, 2020, 09:12:56 AM
You are welcome.
It's very nice that you want every system in existence but that will not happen of course.
Rub an old oil lamp and wish for two systems you really want. It's 2 and not 3 because you already spent one wish on the new NES layout you requested which is ready. The theme-jinn has spoken.

I don't expect you to do that. I was just picking on you (but I was also bragging a little on your work with it as well) you do GREAT work but yeah  I do not expect you to do ALL the me I understand!

As for my other wish...neo geo CD. That is all I really need as all the other systems that are popular you have done. As for the PC themes...well not to many people emulate PC systems. To do that you need a keyboard and/or mouse just to play some games. So it is just easier to emulate them on a PC. Mst want these themes to go into cabinet or such..and well that defeats the purpose of a keyboard and mouse huh?  :-\

I do hope that you will upload templates or such so that others if they wish can make the "missing" systems if they desire.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 13, 2020, 10:43:58 AM
As for my other wish...neo geo CD.

consider it done. You will have it in the next release.

I do hope that you will upload templates or such so that others if they wish can make the "missing" systems if they desire.

This is exactly what I planned on doing. And not just a template but a complete library of all XCF files (GIMP's PSD) and maybe some of the themes you already have with detailed comments.
Themes that will be posted and are of quality will be added tot he collection.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: akafox on May 14, 2020, 10:45:58 AM
As for my other wish...neo geo CD.

consider it done. You will have it in the next release.

WAIT I had a chance to to ask for a chicken coop with and endless supply of chickens! *facepaws*  is it to late to change my wish!  :o
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Deu on May 15, 2020, 04:56:06 PM
From the first moment I saw this pack, it became my default theme.

I would like you to gradually include more systems, as long as you see yourself in the mood to do so.

When Attract goes into screensaver mode, the videos look deformed without any aspect ratio, this is because of the theme? If it's about the theme, you can enable an option to preserve the aspect ratio in screen saver mode?

I think there's a bug with the boxart in the Vectrex theme, the game boxes look with a strange geometry.

Can you add a option to spin the cartart on the systems they use CD?

Keep the good work, i love your work. And thanks.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 16, 2020, 07:20:40 AM
Hi Deu, thank you for your kind words!
For the next release, I already added themes for consoles and fixed many bugs.

I don't think AM's screensaver is influenced by a theme as it is a theme in its own right.

As for spinning disc art, I didn't find a way to properly combine position and rotation animation. It either does this or that. I tried delaying the rotation until the movement of the disc is finished but the result was also bad. I just thought about a different approach. Will try tomorrow.

EDIT: No luck even when the new approach. If I am not missing something here I suspect that combining rotation and position animations will require the usage of a more advanced animation system (Animation2 module) - but we are talking here about a rewrite of many themes and that will not happen just to rotate discs  :D  If I migrate all the themes to Animation2 for some bigger reason I will go for the rotation as well.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: PSOGene on May 16, 2020, 10:30:08 PM
Hi Deu, thank you for your kind words!
For the next release, I already added themes for consoles and fixed many bugs.

I don't think AM's screensaver is influenced by a theme as it is a theme in its own right.

As for spinning disc art, I didn't find a way to properly combine position and rotation animation. It either does this or that. I tried delaying the rotation until the movement of the disc is finished but the result was also bad. I just thought about a different approach. Will try tomorrow.

I would like to add that I never see this actually happening where people started to make requests and wishes from you and all I wanted to do was giving you a suggestion of a few themes were missing with your collection and I feel that you shouldn't be forced to do everything you dont want to do and we're here to support you because I feel that you do done a wonderful fixed within the themes and I know there's a lot of things to be worked but I did not expect that people here starts to asking and requesting and wishing from you to add more themes I hope that I'm not the cause of the problem it's just that we really truly love her collection of themes but they are off some there are they're not complete for example you don't have all the handheld like Sony PSP it's the only thing that is missing. I just want to let you know we are here support you all the way and giving you feedback and Bug reports and to contribute  your handwork because you have really  awesome collection and admired by your creation so please don't put too much pressure on your self and to your work just take a little bit of time we're all here are patient and we understand it it's not easy making these type of theme. please keep up the good work and god bless you
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 17, 2020, 01:44:48 AM
I would like to add that I never see this actually happening where people started to make requests and wishes from you and all I wanted to do was giving you a suggestion of a few themes were missing with your collection and I feel that you shouldn't be forced to do everything you dont want to do and we're here to support you because I feel that you do done a wonderful fixed within the themes and I know there's a lot of things to be worked but I did not expect that people here starts to asking and requesting and wishing from you to add more themes I hope that I'm not the cause of the problem it's just that we really truly love her collection of themes but they are off some there are they're not complete for example you don't have all the handheld like Sony PSP it's the only thing that is missing. I just want to let you know we are here support you all the way and giving you feedback and Bug reports and to contribute  your handwork because you have really  awesome collection and admired by your creation so please don't put too much pressure on your self and to your work just take a little bit of time we're all here are patient and we understand it it's not easy making these type of theme. please keep up the good work and god bless you

You are the sweetest guy  :D
I am a grown up man and feel no pressure at doing anything. I enjoy doing the themes very much, especially now that I have more understanding of how it works. I also learn a lot in the process. It is natural that when you put out a Collection, users will ask for additions - this one wants more systems, the other new features and many report bugs. It's all cool as long as people are friendly, polite, help each other and don't pig out.
I can tell you that I have a list of missing systems that I intend on creating and it includes the PSP and other handhelds as well.
When I finish adding this list, and am happy with the result, I intend on releasing all the art files with some explanation of how to create additional themes so people can use it to either add to the collection or create their own new thing.

Last but not least - may God bless you and your family too. Keep it strong!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 18, 2020, 12:49:09 PM
The new themes I am working on are so beautiful you will want to marry them...  :-*
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Deu on May 21, 2020, 03:19:44 AM
Thanks for your work.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 21, 2020, 06:15:02 AM
Thanks for your work.

My pleasure.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 25, 2020, 12:38:12 PM
4 more themes and it's ready  8)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Deu on May 26, 2020, 01:01:39 PM
You are guilty of going in several times a day to check this thread. :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 27, 2020, 12:07:28 AM
You are guilty of going in several times a day to check this thread. :D

HAHA 2 themes to go!!  ;D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 28, 2020, 10:32:33 AM
The Great Themes Collection version 4.0 is here and what a release it is!!!!

I have created beautiful new themes for the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360,
Neo Geo CD, Nintendo Entertainment System, PC Games, Windows 3.x, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Sony PSP
and Neo Geo Pocket! The Nintendo Game & Watch theme is now also included.

The collection is also - for the first time - free of any legacy, non-original themes! HURA!

I have replaced the old fillers with much better original themes for the Nintendo Famicom, Nintendo Famicom Disk System,
GCE Vectrex, MSX, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Boy Advance, Virtual Boy, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Sega Game Gear
and Atari Lynx!

I have also improved the visuals and animations for the Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64, Sega Saturn, Sega Genesis,
Mega Drive, Playstation, Atari ST, Atari 8-bit, MSX 2, Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color!

Many of the themes now include at least two visual options: 'clean' and 'best game' version that
are easily switched between from the layout options menu. Most 'best game' versions also have
a unique startup sound that plays only when the theme starts and can be turned off from the layout menu
as well.

Just as important, I have made an enormous improvement to the entire collection's ability to
support more resolutions on 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratio displays.
I have fixed SO MANY issues in this regard it will take me two full forum
pages to just list them so let's just sum it up like this: I have squashed a demonic hord of bugs.
I have also taken care that the themes don't break on 4:3 monitors.
That being said, with the exception of the three Hyperspin Theme Mode variations, the graphics included in this collection were
really made for wide screen monitors (16:9 / 16:10) and don't look as good on 4:3 ones.
All themes were tested in the following resolutions: 1920x1080, 1366x768, 1280x720, 1680x1050,
1440x900, 1024x768 and even 640x480.

In my humble opinion, this is now one of the best wheel based system themes collections out there, no matter which front end we are talking about.
As such, this release deserves a special celebration video: (please press the Like button!)

Go to the original post for a download link:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: jedione on May 28, 2020, 04:34:09 PM
you have outdone yourself,   xalent....DL now// ;D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 29, 2020, 12:16:51 AM
you have outdone yourself,   xalent....DL now// ;D

 8) :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Deu on May 29, 2020, 03:05:13 PM
WOW, Thanks.

I'm going to test it!!!!

Thanks again.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: akafox on May 31, 2020, 03:47:44 PM
@Yaron2019 It works great I LOVE it! It looks soooooo awesome!!

I do have to point out...strangely the new themes yo made work great "out of the box" on linux but the "old" themes still have that bug with the fade. Changing the one line fixed everything of course ans all of them work just fine. I was wondering though what yo did on the new themes that i didn't have to change anything but they still worked...

would be nice if they all worked out of the box on linux and windows if possible. I don't mind "hacking ans changing code" but some others may not (or know how).

But it is "complete" ans AWESOME!

Have to also does the Main Menu supposed to work?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: RM01 on May 31, 2020, 06:45:52 PM

Awesome theme!!!
May I just ask where did you get the at-the-arcade video/animated background? Thanks!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 31, 2020, 11:33:40 PM
@Yaron2019 It works great I LOVE it! It looks soooooo awesome!!

I do have to point out...strangely the new themes yo made work great "out of the box" on linux but the "old" themes still have that bug with the fade. Changing the one line fixed everything of course ans all of them work just fine. I was wondering though what yo did on the new themes that i didn't have to change anything but they still worked...

would be nice if they all worked out of the box on linux and windows if possible. I don't mind "hacking ans changing code" but some others may not (or know how).

But it is "complete" ans AWESOME!

Have to also does the Main Menu supposed to work?

It's my pleasure to see that you love this version. With regards to the FadeArt() function for the background image, I didn't change anything in all honesty. Maybe a linux update on your side did the trick? I have no idea...

As for the main menu, which are you refering to? "Main Menu" or "Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode"?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 31, 2020, 11:42:50 PM

Awesome theme!!!
May I just ask where did you get the at-the-arcade video/animated background? Thanks!

Hi, it was many months ago and I honestly don't remember. I searched for arcade backgrounds and found it by chance.
Try searching for "Arcade Background" or  "Arcade Background Animation".
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: akafox on June 02, 2020, 08:45:50 PM

It's my pleasure to see that you love this version. With regards to the FadeArt() function for the background image, I didn't change anything in all honesty. Maybe a linux update on your side did the trick? I have no idea...

No don't think that is it. I can take for instance the neogeo aes theme that was in version 3.0. The fade back ground doesn't work... I have to change it manually.
I can take the same neogeo aes layout from the new version (4.0) that you have posted and I still have to manually change it. However the new neogeo CD layout that came with version 4.0 works just fine without any changes...and so does the other new layouts you added in 4.0. But the layouts that were in the 3.0 build do not work without the edit even using them from your newest download pack.

As for the main menu, which are you refering to? "Main Menu" or "Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode"?

The main menu works like it should however the "hyperspin main menu" (as it is called) doesn't work correctly. I see only the wheel the layout doesn't work correctly I think.

EDIT: Remember you told me to change that line:

Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

Code: [Select]
local bg = fe.add_image("bkg.png", 0, 0, flw, flh);
so the backgrounds would show in linux?

your new layouts added in the 4.0 release (i.e. PS2, PS3 neogeo CD) WORK with the line
Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );
but not with the line
Code: [Select]
local bg = fe.add_image("bkg.png", 0, 0, flw, flh);

it is backwards now of what it was!  :o
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: carlosc1975 on June 03, 2020, 02:55:39 AM
I Love your themes and setting it all up is a breeze once you get the hang of things.

Im having trouble setting up the Nintendo 64 theme as it wont play the MP4's. All i get is statics. I can say i know how to set it up as I have set up MAME, Super Nintendo, NEO GEO, SEGA 32X.

All play the Video Snap. But Nintendo 64 Wont play it

Here is my .INI file

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args                 "[romfilename]" -L cores\parallel_n64_libretro.dll
rompath              E:\Roms\Nintendo 64 Roms
romext               .z64;.n64;.v64;.Z64;.N64;.V64
system               Nintendo64
artwork    boxart          E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\boxart
artwork    flyer           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\fanart
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\snap
artwork    video           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\Video
artwork    wheel           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\wheel

Your help would be appreaciated.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 03, 2020, 07:23:30 AM
I Love your themes and setting it all up is a breeze once you get the hang of things.

Im having trouble setting up the Nintendo 64 theme as it wont play the MP4's. All i get is statics. I can say i know how to set it up as I have set up MAME, Super Nintendo, NEO GEO, SEGA 32X.

All play the Video Snap. But Nintendo 64 Wont play it

Here is my .INI file

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args                 "[romfilename]" -L cores\parallel_n64_libretro.dll
rompath              E:\Roms\Nintendo 64 Roms
romext               .z64;.n64;.v64;.Z64;.N64;.V64
system               Nintendo64
artwork    boxart          E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\boxart
artwork    flyer           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\fanart
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\snap
artwork    video           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\Video
artwork    wheel           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\wheel

Your help would be appreaciated.


Hi Carl, thanks for the kind words.
The Nintendo 64 layout code uses the same code for playing the snap videos as all my other layouts, including those you listed.
The ini file you posted looks ok. Just for comparison, mine is set this way:
artwork    boxart          $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/boxart
artwork    cartart         $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/cartart
artwork    snap            $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/snap
artwork    wheel           $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/wheel

But it shouldn't make a difference.

I want two things to check:
1. Make sure that the in the Nintendo 64 romlist file, the emulator field has the same name as the emulator. For example, if the emulator is called 'Nintendo 64', it should be the same in its romlist:

007 - GoldenEye (USA);007: GoldenEye (USA);Nintendo 64;;1997;Nintendo;Shooter;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;

2. Make sure that the Nintendo 64 snap videos are in a format that AM can play. Try copying one of these videos to the SNES snap folder and rename it after one of the games you have. Then go into AM, the SNES theme and navigate to that game. If it plays then the format is ok.

I encountered both of these problems myself in various situations.

3. Can you upload me the Nintendo 64 layout file you are using? This way I can verify what version and debug with the exact version you have.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 03, 2020, 07:40:56 AM

It's my pleasure to see that you love this version. With regards to the FadeArt() function for the background image, I didn't change anything in all honesty. Maybe a linux update on your side did the trick? I have no idea...

No don't think that is it. I can take for instance the neogeo aes theme that was in version 3.0. The fade back ground doesn't work... I have to change it manually.
I can take the same neogeo aes layout from the new version (4.0) that you have posted and I still have to manually change it. However the new neogeo CD layout that came with version 4.0 works just fine without any changes...and so does the other new layouts you added in 4.0. But the layouts that were in the 3.0 build do not work without the edit even using them from your newest download pack.

As for the main menu, which are you refering to? "Main Menu" or "Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode"?

The main menu works like it should however the "hyperspin main menu" (as it is called) doesn't work correctly. I see only the wheel the layout doesn't work correctly I think.

EDIT: Remember you told me to change that line:

Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

Code: [Select]
local bg = fe.add_image("bkg.png", 0, 0, flw, flh);
so the backgrounds would show in linux?

your new layouts added in the 4.0 release (i.e. PS2, PS3 neogeo CD) WORK with the line
Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );
but not with the line
Code: [Select]
local bg = fe.add_image("bkg.png", 0, 0, flw, flh);

it is backwards now of what it was!  :o

What in di Hell...
Well I guess you helped me figure it out.
The difference is this: in the AES version I tell it to load "bkg.png" which is the exact name of the file, but in the NG-CD I let the user choose the the background from the layout menu, I then load the choice name into a string variable without the '.png' file ending and pass it to the FadeArt() function to load. THIS is the ONLY difference and it's one that shouldn't matter at all! And you are right, this new technique was introduced in version 4.0.

Wow, this is weird.

Please try this - replace the current FadeArt() line in the AES layout with these:

local bg_img = "bkg.png";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

Then, please try these lines as well:

local bg_img = "bkg";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

And finally, please try this:
local bg = FadeArt( "bkg", 0, 0, flw, flh );

Are all of them working or only one of them? (on my side they all work)

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: akafox on June 03, 2020, 11:55:16 AM
I did not do "heavy testing". I just checked to see if the background showed or not..results:

Code: [Select]
local bg_img = "bkg.png";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

does not work

Code: [Select]
local bg_img = "bkg";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );


Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( "bkg", 0, 0, flw, flh );
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 03, 2020, 11:58:45 AM
I did not do "heavy testing". I just checked to see if the background showed or not..results:

Code: [Select]
local bg_img = "bkg.png";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );

does not work

Code: [Select]
local bg_img = "bkg";
local bg = FadeArt( bg_img, 0, 0, flw, flh );


Code: [Select]
local bg = FadeArt( "bkg", 0, 0, flw, flh );

Super! This is a big help!
Please choose a new system theme of your liking that we don't have and it will be released in the next version!  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: carlosc1975 on June 03, 2020, 06:28:17 PM
I Love your themes and setting it all up is a breeze once you get the hang of things.

Im having trouble setting up the Nintendo 64 theme as it wont play the MP4's. All i get is statics. I can say i know how to set it up as I have set up MAME, Super Nintendo, NEO GEO, SEGA 32X.

All play the Video Snap. But Nintendo 64 Wont play it

Here is my .INI file

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args                 "[romfilename]" -L cores\parallel_n64_libretro.dll
rompath              E:\Roms\Nintendo 64 Roms
romext               .z64;.n64;.v64;.Z64;.N64;.V64
system               Nintendo64
artwork    boxart          E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\boxart
artwork    flyer           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\fanart
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\snap
artwork    video           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\Video
artwork    wheel           E:\attract\scraper\Nintendo64\wheel

Your help would be appreaciated.


Hi Carl, thanks for the kind words.
The Nintendo 64 layout code uses the same code for playing the snap videos as all my other layouts, including those you listed.
The ini file you posted looks ok. Just for comparison, mine is set this way:
artwork    boxart          $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/boxart
artwork    cartart         $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/cartart
artwork    snap            $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/snap
artwork    wheel           $PROGDIR/menu-art/Nintendo64/wheel

But it shouldn't make a difference.

I want two things to check:
1. Make sure that the in the Nintendo 64 romlist file, the emulator field has the same name as the emulator. For example, if the emulator is called 'Nintendo 64', it should be the same in its romlist:

007 - GoldenEye (USA);007: GoldenEye (USA);Nintendo 64;;1997;Nintendo;Shooter;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;

2. Make sure that the Nintendo 64 snap videos are in a format that AM can play. Try copying one of these videos to the SNES snap folder and rename it after one of the games you have. Then go into AM, the SNES theme and navigate to that game. If it plays then the format is ok.

I encountered both of these problems myself in various situations.

3. Can you upload me the Nintendo 64 layout file you are using? This way I can verify what version and debug with the exact version you have.


Hi Yaron and thanks for your help.

1. Romlist looks like the below

1080 Snowboarding.;1080 Snowboarding.;Nintendo64;;;Nintendo;Sports;2;;;;;;;1080° Snowboarding;;;;;;

2. This is the name of the files.
Rom name is 1080 Snowboarding.z64
Video name is 1080 Snowboarding.mp4

Thanks again for your help
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v4.0 [Released!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 03, 2020, 10:45:35 PM
Everything looks correct to me.
The only this is that you must make sure that the in the Nintendo 64 romlist file, the emulator field has the same name as the emulator.
If it doesn't, it will not know where to take the snap videos from. This is the only thing I can think of - the Nintendo 64 theme uses the same code as the other themes you use, there is no reason for it not to show the snaps.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.0 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 05, 2020, 05:30:50 AM
The Great Themes Collection v5.0 is here!

This release includes several major additions:

1. I was not satisfied with the aspect ratio solution in version 4.0 but luckily have found an interesting solution
in the 'nevato' theme. So I added the relevant code to the collection and it works much better. The layouts don't
have to try and support specific resolutions, only the different aspect ratios and they don't "break" even when
using Ultra-Wide aspect ratios or odd, non conventional resolutions.

2. I have reduced the size of the collection by 188MB! Version 4.0 was 585MB and version 5.0 is only 397MB.
This was done by consolidating the video files into one folder called 'videos' and deleting them from the various theme folders. I also now include the sounds folder in the collection.
Copy the sounds and videos folders to your main attract folder (where the 'attract.exe' file is located) as the themes will look for them in that location.

3. I beefed up the Arcade themes section by adding: 'At-The-Arcade Candy', 'At-The-Arcade SNK MVS' and
'At-The-Arcade HD' for more modern systems. Both the Candy and HD versions can be used to represent multiple
types of systems by changing their marquee logos (try it and you will get the idea. It's not a filter, just a logo).

4. I also added new themes for the 'Commodore Amiga CD32' and 'NEC TurboGrafx-CD'.

5. Bug fixes of course. Thanks for akafox for helping solve the mystery FadeArt() bug on linux!

I am going to take a break from releasing new versions of the collection.
Those who want to build additional themes for this collection, here are all the art files for each theme in xcf format (Gimp):

Demo video:

Download the Collection from the main page:


Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.0 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: taelonian on June 05, 2020, 05:46:57 AM
Thanks for your hard work
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.0 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 05, 2020, 05:51:57 AM
Thanks for your hard work

It was my absolute pleasure to return in this sweet way to the gaming industry - just for a little bit!  ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.0 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: carlosc1975 on June 06, 2020, 05:29:36 PM
Awesome work Yaron2019.

Before your break LOL. Do we delete the version 4 themes and then installed these or we just copy these over the old one?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.0 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 07, 2020, 12:26:16 AM
Awesome work Yaron2019.

Before your break LOL. Do we delete the version 4 themes and then installed these or we just copy these over the old one?

Always a good idea to backup your existing data before updating.

Usually it is enough to copy the layouts over the existing ones but this time it is recommended to delete the old layouts and copy the new ones fresh - version 5 contains LESS files than version 4 and uses LESS disk space. Also make sure to copy the 'videos' and 'sounds' folders to your main attract folder (where the attract.exe is located).
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 07, 2020, 11:23:22 AM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.1' which further reduces the download and on-disk footprint size.

This version reduces the on-disk footprint of the collection by an additional 83MB.
I have noticed that some of the background images where fairly large so I have reduced their size by exporting them as jpg files instead of png files.
I have also deleted several redundant files and fixed two small bugs in the Amiga Forever! and Astrocade themes.

All in all, I have reduced the download size from 585MB in v4.0 to 314MB in v5.1, that's 271MB! (46% reduction).

Users that already downloaded and installed version 5.0 do not need to download v5.1 unless they want to reclaim 83MB of their disk space.

This release concludes my disk footprint reduction optimization.

Download links are in the original post:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Wenzon on June 08, 2020, 05:49:36 AM
Hello Yaron2019.

I see that you have done a great job to make this collection impeccable.
I noticed that there is a BUG in this collection.

I don't know if it's just me, but the pulse effect on the wheels, after a while, it starts to fail. I am posting a video to show the problem. (
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 08, 2020, 08:10:45 AM
Hello Yaron2019.

I see that you have done a great job to make this collection impeccable.
I noticed that there is a BUG in this collection.

I don't know if it's just me, but the pulse effect on the wheels, after a while, it starts to fail. I am posting a video to show the problem. (

Hi Wenzon,

You are correct, I am aware of this issue but cannot fix it. I am using the standard animation module of AM to produce the pulse effect. There is nothing special in the code, I just use two animations - scale and alpha. The bug disappears if you navigate the wheel. I suspect that this bug is caused by a known attract mode timing bug that I have no control over.
If someone has a way to solve this issue I will update the entire collection and re-upload it.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: keilmillerjr on June 08, 2020, 01:04:34 PM
What known attract-mode timing bug? Can you further elaborate?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: akafox on June 08, 2020, 06:57:37 PM

*sigh* I hate to do this but I have to report a bug again (linux problem I am sure)

I have not be able to test thoroughly...hopefully soon..but in your video I see the "character animations..."

I do not see them on my version on 5.0 of your theme
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Wenzon on June 08, 2020, 08:59:39 PM
The bug disappears if you navigate the wheel. I suspect that this bug is caused by a known attract mode timing bug that I have no control over.
If someone has a way to solve this issue I will update the entire collection and re-upload it.

Despite the BUG this effect is very cool. I congratulate you.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 09, 2020, 01:53:13 AM

*sigh* I hate to do this but I have to report a bug again (linux problem I am sure)

I have not be able to test thoroughly...hopefully soon..but in your video I see the "character animations..."

I do not see them on my version on 5.0 of your theme

I'm going to be honest - I'm tired with this. version 5.1 is almost identical to v4.0 with only two new themes that have no character animations in them anyway.
If you still have v4.0 use it and just add the two new themes from v5.1 + the videos and sounds folders. That should do it.

If you don't have it, here is a link to download v4.0:

Cheers mate
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 09, 2020, 01:53:40 AM

Despite the BUG this effect is very cool. I congratulate you.

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: PSOGene on June 10, 2020, 07:41:26 PM
Oh my god this is a full complete collection for sure. and plus you cover all the console and everything, Your ture hard work finaly paid off, and Im so happy. so far I did not encounter no issue with my end and they all working just fine on my CuteAcade Cabinet as well,
so far this BEST collection ever
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 11, 2020, 10:59:55 AM
Oh my god this is a full complete collection for sure. and plus you cover all the console and everything, Your ture hard work finaly paid off, and Im so happy. so far I did not encounter no issue with my end and they all working just fine on my CuteAcade Cabinet as well,
so far this BEST collection ever

thanks!  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on June 12, 2020, 04:15:28 AM
This theme is awesome! Is there artwork you recommend for the main menu?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 12, 2020, 06:01:51 AM
This theme is awesome! Is there artwork you recommend for the main menu?

Thanks!  :)
Are you referring to xcf files pack I posted a link to? If so, no - these are the art files I used to create all of the themes in the collection.
The artwork for the main menu can be found on the emumovies and hyperspin websites. I took the wheel logos from hyperspin and the system videos from emumovies.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 13, 2020, 05:31:36 AM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1' which largely fixes the wheel pulse bug which is a result of AM's animation system getting out of sink.

Shortening the scale animation by 1 millisecond allows the wheel pulse animation to run properly for far longer without navigating the wheel. However, leaving it over night resulted in the alpha and scale animations getting out of sync. I think that this is an acceptable solution given that before, this animation bug occurred only minutes after the wheel was not navigated. The bug disappears when the wheel is navigated again.

Download links are in the original post:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Wenzon on June 13, 2020, 10:28:05 AM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1' which largely fixes the wheel pulse bug which is a result of AM's animation system getting out of sink.

Shortening the scale animation by 0.01 milliseconds allows the wheel pulse animation to run properly for at least 4 hours straight without navigating the wheel. However, leaving it over night resulted in the alpha and scale animations getting out of sync. I think that this is an acceptable solution given that before, this animation bug occurred only minutes after the wheel was not navigated. The bug disappears when the wheel is navigated again.

Very good Yaron2019! I'm already downloading.;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 13, 2020, 11:54:00 PM
Update: This attract-mode out of sync animation bug is worse than I initially thought as it is also random in nature. After testing multiple time reduction values for the scale animation, I came to the conclusion that the only value that seems to do a decent job is a 1 ms reduction. I have re-uploaded the collection to reflect this change. There will be no further updates on this issue.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on June 18, 2020, 10:38:21 AM
added pictures
:o this the best update ever, only thing we need now is Playtation 2 and Nintendo Wii and this theme collection be 100% complete.

I want to share with everyone becuase Yaron2019 made one the BEST The Great Themes Collection.So here are My video snap system collection for The Great Themes Collection v3.0

its comes with every video snap system you can think of please enjoy it everyone including cartart and more

here a demo video snap system and more  :)

download at google drive the file has 4gb

These videos for each system are awesome. Where did these come from? I see your google drive file is no longer available.

I figured out where the main menu art came from. It's included in Hyperpie download.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Jate on June 24, 2020, 10:24:38 AM
Great work, Yaron

But i have a problem with Game &Watch:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 24, 2020, 01:01:11 PM
The Game & Watch theme works only with specific systems by Nintendo. These systems are located in a folder called 'units' which is inside the theme folder itself.
It will not work with any other systems hence the result you posted. Cheers.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Jate on June 25, 2020, 09:59:52 AM
The Game & Watch theme works only with specific systems by Nintendo. These systems are located in a folder called 'units' which is inside the theme folder itself.
It will not work with any other systems hence the result you posted. Cheers.

I have some games that are in the "units" folder but they don't come out.
The roms must have the same name as the image in the "units" folder?
Are the roms in the "units" folder?
And what videos do you use? The videos that I have have the casing of the machine:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 26, 2020, 12:30:26 AM
I have some games that are in the "units" folder but they don't come out.
The roms must have the same name as the image in the "units" folder?
Are the roms in the "units" folder?
And what videos do you use? The videos that I have have the casing of the machine:

Yes, the roms need to be the exact same name as in the units folder.
The roms are not contained in the theme because Attract Mode is not a roms download website.
I downloaded the videos from here:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Jate on June 27, 2020, 10:27:22 AM
I have some games that are in the "units" folder but they don't come out.
The roms must have the same name as the image in the "units" folder?
Are the roms in the "units" folder?
And what videos do you use? The videos that I have have the casing of the machine:

Yes, the roms need to be the exact same name as in the units folder.
The roms are not contained in the theme because Attract Mode is not a roms download website.
I downloaded the videos from here:


You have put the game & watch that works with the mame, but I did not know that mame now emulates these consoles ...  :P

I only use the "game & watch" or clones that you can download from retroarch.

Couldn't you make a theme for these consoles?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on June 28, 2020, 12:18:54 AM

I only use the "game & watch" or clones that you can download from retroarch.

Couldn't you make a theme for these consoles?

You should try make it yourself, you have the code from my theme. I don't use retroarch for these handhelds.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on July 01, 2020, 09:39:07 AM
Testing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found a problem. The game title for Astérix displays as Ast rix. Also Astérix & Obélix displays as Ast rix & Ob lix

Appears to be a problem with Handel Gothic Regular.ttf. I tried the Attrac-Man layout and the game title displays correctly.

I downloaded Handel Gothic BT.ttf from Then updated layout.nut to use the new font. Now the game's title is displayed correctly.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on July 01, 2020, 10:19:13 AM
Using Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found longer game titles are truncated. For example:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

This is displayed as:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Troubl

I edited layout.nut:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);

Changed flw*0.4 to flw*0.5:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);

Now the full title is displayed. Is this the correct approach? Any concerns with this change?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 01, 2020, 10:24:33 AM
Using Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found longer game titles are truncated. For example:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

This is displayed as:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Troubl

I edited layout.nut:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);

Changed flw*0.4 to flw*0.5:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);

Now the full title is displayed. Is this the correct approach? Any concerns with this change?

Yes, this is the correct approach. Thank you for alerting me on this. I thought I fixed all the themes that had this issue but apparently missed this one and the Hyperspin Theme Mode one.
I am collecting small fixes for a 5.1.2 update release. If you see anything else please notify me. Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 01, 2020, 10:25:40 AM
Testing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found a problem. The game title for Astérix displays as Ast rix. Also Astérix & Obélix displays as Ast rix & Ob lix

Appears to be a problem with Handel Gothic Regular.ttf. I tried the Attrac-Man layout and the game title displays correctly.

I downloaded Handel Gothic BT.ttf from Then updated layout.nut to use the new font. Now the game's title is displayed correctly.

Awesome! I am downloading and updating the theme asap. Many thanks friend!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on July 02, 2020, 10:53:25 AM
Using Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found longer game titles are truncated. For example:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

This is displayed as:

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Troubl

I edited layout.nut:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.4, flh*0.1);

Changed flw*0.4 to flw*0.5:

   title_b = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title_b, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);
   title = fe.add_text("[Title]", x_title, fly*0.92, flw*0.5, flh*0.1);

Now the full title is displayed. Is this the correct approach? Any concerns with this change?

Yes, this is the correct approach. Thank you for alerting me on this. I thought I fixed all the themes that had this issue but apparently missed this one and the Hyperspin Theme Mode one.
I am collecting small fixes for a 5.1.2 update release. If you see anything else please notify me. Thanks!  :)

Same issue with Nintendo Entertainment System layout:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance

This gets truncated to:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of t
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on July 02, 2020, 11:13:21 AM
Testing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System layout and found a problem. The game title for Astérix displays as Ast rix. Also Astérix & Obélix displays as Ast rix & Ob lix

Appears to be a problem with Handel Gothic Regular.ttf. I tried the Attrac-Man layout and the game title displays correctly.

I downloaded Handel Gothic BT.ttf from Then updated layout.nut to use the new font. Now the game's title is displayed correctly.

Awesome! I am downloading and updating the theme asap. Many thanks friend!

Similar issue with Nintendo Entertainment System layout. The game title Déjà Vu displays with some funny characters.

NES2 Font ( looks like a good alternative to NES-Logo.ttf
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 02, 2020, 12:13:25 PM

Same issue with Nintendo Entertainment System layout:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance

This gets truncated to:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of t

I already increased the text box width in all the themes. Will release it soon.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 02, 2020, 12:16:04 PM

Similar issue with Nintendo Entertainment System layout. The game title Déjà Vu displays with some funny characters.

NES2 Font ( looks like a good alternative to NES-Logo.ttf

Interesting - I don't see anything strange on my side. Can you post a screenshot?
Also, look at your NES romlist - how is that Deja Vu game title formated?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: HopRanger on July 02, 2020, 05:34:26 PM

Similar issue with Nintendo Entertainment System layout. The game title Déjà Vu displays with some funny characters.

NES2 Font ( looks like a good alternative to NES-Logo.ttf

Interesting - I don't see anything strange on my side. Can you post a screenshot?
Also, look at your NES romlist - how is that Deja Vu game title formated?

Default font: deja vu.png
Changed font to Nes2Regular-yxyd: fixed.png

In my romlist:
Code: [Select]
Deja Vu (USA);Déjà Vu;Nintendo Entertainment System;;1990;Kemco;Adventure;1;;;;;;;;;;
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.1 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 03, 2020, 12:48:12 AM
Yes I see. Updated the font with the one you suggested, it's a better looking font anyway.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 03, 2020, 09:49:09 AM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2' which includes the following:

- Added ability to enable mipmaping for high resolution wheel logos from layout menu. This largely eliminates any jagged edges that may result
from the high resolution logos.
- Added mipmaping to carts in some themes.
- Adjusted snap video bloom values in all themes and enabled snap video bloom on several old systems.
- Increased title text box size in all themes so game titles are not cut short (thanks to forum member HopHanger for alerting me on this issue)
- Replaced some fonts (thanks to forum member HopHanger for finding better ones)

Download and demo video on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: hedergim on July 04, 2020, 03:53:20 PM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2' which includes the following:

- Added ability to enable mipmaping for high resolution wheel logos from layout menu. This largely eliminates any jagged edges that may result
from the high resolution logos.
- Added mipmaping to carts in some themes.
- Adjusted snap video bloom values in all themes and enabled snap video bloom on several old systems.
- Increased title text box size in all themes so game titles are not cut short (thanks to forum member HopHanger for alerting me on this issue)
- Replaced some fonts (thanks to forum member HopHanger for finding better ones)

Download and demo video on original post page:

Are you the master of Layouts, congratulations, if you ever have time, could you make a layout with Horizontal Wheels?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 05, 2020, 12:42:22 AM
Are you the master of Layouts, congratulations, if you ever have time, could you make a layout with Horizontal Wheels?

Thanks but I am busy with other stuff at the moment. Maybe in the future.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: hedergim on July 05, 2020, 05:33:29 AM
Are you the master of Layouts, congratulations, if you ever have time, could you make a layout with Horizontal Wheels?

Thanks but I am busy with other stuff at the moment. Maybe in the future.

Thanks, You could just create a new Wheels option, in addition to the existing ones:
[Round, Vertical, Horizontal]

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.1.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 05, 2020, 12:09:58 PM

Thanks, You could just create a new Wheels option, in addition to the existing ones:
[Round, Vertical, Horizontal]


It's not that simple but you can try.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Released!!!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 06, 2020, 04:43:31 AM
I am releasing 'The Great Themes Collection v5.2' which adds a gentle fading shadow to the edges of CRT TVs or monitors featured in arcade, console or computer themes.
It gives a nice authentic look to these type of themes and better connects the frame of the cab/tv/monitor to the games snap videos.

This is also the last release of this collection. I have achieved far more than I initially aimed for, learned a lot in the process and feel satisfied with the level
of polish the collection has reached.

All the best,

Download and demo video on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: akafox on July 11, 2020, 02:36:15 PM
I understand the need for a break but know this:

1. We bug you because we LOVE your work

2. We know you put a LOT of time and work in this..(It shows!)

3. Burnout sucks...

All I have to say is....

Thank you Yaron2019 and have a good vacation...(bring me back a souvenir?) :P :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 12, 2020, 01:30:02 AM
I understand the need for a break but know this:

1. We bug you because we LOVE your work

2. We know you put a LOT of time and work in this..(It shows!)[/li][/list]

3. Burnout sucks...

All I have to say is....

Thank you Yaron2019 and have a good vacation...(bring me back a souvenir?) :P :D

Thanks for the kind words. Didn't know I was going on a vacation but it sounds cool  :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: zpaolo11x on July 12, 2020, 06:39:45 AM
Thanks for the kind words. Didn't know I was going on a vacation but it sounds cool  :D

A vacation from your job, that is, making Attract Mode layouts ;D we are all on the same ship, you know :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 12, 2020, 10:11:33 PM
A vacation from your job, that is, making Attract Mode layouts ;D we are all on the same ship, you know :D

Maybe  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 05, 2020, 04:30:17 AM
Hello Yaron ! Your work is awesome !!!

One little question: is possible to search for games by an on-screen Keyboard with your layouts ??

Thanks for the answer and have a nice holiday !! :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 05, 2020, 06:17:33 AM
I did not incorporate a search function in my themes because there is a built-in search function in attract mode.
Launch attract mode, press TAB key, go to Plug-ins, go to KeyboardSearch and enable it, set a key in the Trigger field option.

This works globally and this is how I search for games on my setup.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 05, 2020, 09:55:54 AM
Hi Yaron and thank you for the answer !!

Yes, i know about the search option integrated in AM, but you need a Keyboard to use it ... it would be great if you will integrate this function in any future relase ! anyway , your pack is awesome at all ! good Work ! :D

have a nice holidays ! :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: chuckyd on August 25, 2020, 06:34:12 PM
First - amazing theme!

Now on to business.. Running on a Pi4.  The At-The-Arcade theme lags for me like crazy.  I went into the settings and disabled some options and now everything is pretty smooth except for the animated background video.  The polygon video runs just fine so it's strange that the other one stutters.  Any ideas how to get that video to run better?

My other question is where is the config to change the background image if I decide to add my own to the At-The-Arcade theme?  I was going to play around with some similar static images or possibly some other videos to see if they work better.  I just can't find where the theme looks to "acknowledge" the existence of other images or videos to use.

Thanks for any help!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 25, 2020, 11:29:39 PM
First - amazing theme!

Now on to business.. Running on a Pi4.  The At-The-Arcade theme lags for me like crazy.  I went into the settings and disabled some options and now everything is pretty smooth except for the animated background video.  The polygon video runs just fine so it's strange that the other one stutters.  Any ideas how to get that video to run better?

My other question is where is the config to change the background image if I decide to add my own to the At-The-Arcade theme?  I was going to play around with some similar static images or possibly some other videos to see if they work better.  I just can't find where the theme looks to "acknowledge" the existence of other images or videos to use.

Thanks for any help!

As to the videos - the differences I see using VLC is codecs: one is VP9 and one is VP8 and frame rates: one is 60fps and one 30. Try to encode the slow one in the same way the good one, it should solve it.

You can replace background videos and static art by placing files with the same names. For videos, you replace files in the attract/videos folder (bkg_anim and Polygon Trip).
For static art your replace files in the attract/layouts/At-The-Arcade folder (bkg.jpg and panscan.jpg)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 26, 2020, 04:30:38 AM
Hi Yaron ! !

I've changed one layout and inserted into the Keyboard-search module present on this post ( and it Works !!

I've one problem, when i do a search , it gives me the results, but the cart art and the videosnap are wrong, also i can see the wheel logo of search results in semi-transparent but covered with anoteher result ...

Sorry for my english, anyway i've attached 2 screens to explain better which is the problem ...

thank you for your help !! :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 26, 2020, 09:22:03 AM
Hi Yaron ! !

I've changed one layout and inserted into the Keyboard-search module present on this post ( and it Works !!

I've one problem, when i do a search , it gives me the results, but the cart art and the videosnap are wrong, also i can see the wheel logo of search results in semi-transparent but covered with anoteher result ...

Sorry for my english, anyway i've attached 2 screens to explain better which is the problem ...

thank you for your help !! :D

Please post the layout.nut file you edited
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 27, 2020, 02:05:30 AM
thank you Yaron !!

Here is the layout.nut file :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 27, 2020, 04:14:55 AM
Why did you post the Robospin layout?   :D
Post the one from my themes that you edited with the code for the search, the one you posted screenshots of above.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 27, 2020, 04:39:46 AM
Yaron , sorry My fault !!!!

here is the right one !! -_-

thank you again !!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 27, 2020, 06:07:46 AM
I'll do two sizes as seen in the screenshots. As for search method, "next_match" doesn't seem to do anything so I will include only "Show Results".
I want to work on it a little, make sure I add this properly to all the collection and then I will release it.

BTW - after looking at a lot of arcade cabs on youtube, most of them use wide screen displays which makes my collection very relevant!
You came with this request at a perfect timing...
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.2 [Final Release]
Post by: markoattract on August 27, 2020, 07:03:03 AM
Great News Yaron !! Thank you !!

the search module will be a power up for your collection !! 
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 12:35:57 AM
Well, I guess they don't say "Never Say Never" for nothing! The new "Final Release" of the great collection (bumped to v5.3) now includes:
- Search capability for systems without keyboards with two optional search box sizes, which makes the collection more compatible with wide screen arcade cabs for example (Thanks for markoattract!)
- Bloom and Lottes CRT shaders for the three 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' themes


Download and demo video on original post page:



Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: markoattract on August 28, 2020, 02:57:52 AM
You are Welcome !!
Glad to have helped, Yaron to improve your work ! Now it's Awesome ! :D

------- UPDATE -----------

I've tested your layouts, all works like a charm but the NEC PC ENGINE CD , where the search square is covered by the box-art . Only for your information ;) 
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 03:34:56 AM
------- UPDATE -----------

I've tested your layouts, all works like a charm but the NEC PC ENGINE CD , where the search square is covered by the box-art . Only for your information ;)

No it's not!  :)
Try to delete that theme and copy it fresh from the download.
What version of attract mode are you using?

If it still happens, please post a screenshot.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: markoattract on August 28, 2020, 05:11:27 AM
hi Yaron !!

I'm using 2.6.1 and as you suggested, i have deleted the layout and insert it again. But same results...

I also have deleted the layout parameters in ATTRACT.CFG file, but no results ...

here is the screenshot ...
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 06:22:27 AM
hi Yaron !!

I'm using 2.6.1 and as you suggested, i have deleted the layout and insert it again. But same results...

I also have deleted the layout parameters in ATTRACT.CFG file, but no results ...

here is the screenshot ...

First of all it is apparent that my retro gaming rig is far superior to yours  ;)

Second thing, attached is a layout.nut file for this theme. Try it and tell me if it works.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: markoattract on August 28, 2020, 07:44:55 AM
And Finally ... IT WORKS !! :D :D :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 11:58:28 AM
And Finally ... IT WORKS !! :D :D :D

Good! Thanks for your help testing it and making the collection better.  :)
As I found two other themes with the exact same issue (Playstation and Panasonic 3DO) I decided to re-upload the collection with all three themes fixed.

The download link has been updated:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: MightyDodger on August 28, 2020, 01:03:04 PM
Hello Yaron,

I just have to say, what you achieved here, is the best layout for AM, no... for whatever UI! I’m so stoked, implementing it on my Pi4. I’m a newbie to all this, but this is exactly what I want to run my arcade cabinet with! Thank you for all your hard work! I’m appreciating it so much!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 01:17:41 PM
Hello Yaron,

I just have to say, what you achieved here, is the best layout for AM, no... for whatever UI! I’m so stoked, implementing it on my Pi4. I’m a newbie to all this, but this is exactly what I want to run my arcade cabinet with! Thank you for all your hard work! I’m appreciating it so much!

Super! It is very satisfying to hear that you and other forum members love my work so much! I poured a lot of time and effort into this collection.
Thank you!  8)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: MightyDodger on August 28, 2020, 01:31:34 PM
I just reached out to Marko via PM how to set it up, as I’m also running AM on a Pi4. As I said I’m really new to RetroPie and AM...  so, I hope he will help me here. Whatever path it takes I’ll give some feedback how it works out (and perhaps *sure* there will be some questions from me...)... ;D

Edit: the cabinet in the attachment will be the housing for your awesome work, hopefully finished within the next weeks... :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.3 [Released!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 28, 2020, 11:25:55 PM
I just reached out to Marko via PM how to set it up, as I’m also running AM on a Pi4. As I said I’m really new to RetroPie and AM...  so, I hope he will help me here. Whatever path it takes I’ll give some feedback how it works out (and perhaps *sure* there will be some questions from me...)... ;D

Edit: the cabinet in the attachment will be the housing for your awesome work, hopefully finished within the next weeks... :)

Looks absolutely amazing! I love the fact that you are building it yourself - very impressive.
I don't have a Pi (I have a windows 10 pc) but I will try my best to help you with the themes if issues pop-up.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.4 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 02, 2020, 05:51:11 AM
Hot on the heels of the last release comes version 5.4!
After playing around with attract mode's built-in filtering system I decided that the collection can better express the four most important filters:
Name, Year, Manufacturer and Favourites. Name and Year are already there so I added:

- Ability to show/hide a favourite game marker (golden star) to the left of the wheel logo or at the bottom with the game info.
- Ability to show game name with or without manufacturer name.
- Fixed a crash in the 'Commodore Amiga Forever!' theme when background image is set to "Wings" and Enable startup animation is set to "No".

These relatively small additions have a real positive impact on the user ability to manage the presentation of his games collection on screen!
As attract mode's filtering system is just awesome, there was no need to create one of my own.


Demo video:

Download link on original post page:

Left of wheel

With game info

In layout options
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.4 [Released!!]
Post by: Karlosworkz on September 02, 2020, 12:49:20 PM
Beautiful Yaron theme doing a great job as always thanks for sharing your knowledge.👏👏👏👏

Lindo tema Yaron fazendo um ótimo trabalho como sempre obrigado por compartilhar seu conhecimento.👏👏👏👏
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.4 [Released!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 03, 2020, 05:16:02 AM
Beautiful Yaron theme doing a great job as always thanks for sharing your knowledge.👏👏👏👏

Lindo tema Yaron fazendo um ótimo trabalho como sempre obrigado por compartilhar seu conhecimento.👏👏👏👏

Thanks my friend!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.5 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 07, 2020, 01:25:01 AM
The Great Themes Collection v5.5 is here and it includes 3 main updates:

1. The collection now supports a hyperspin feature called 'Letters' - as you press the next/previous letter hotkey when navigating the wheel, the collection will now show a graphical representation of the current letter. It makes it more comfortable to navigate the wheel and it looks cool.
The user can also assign letters per system display name by adding his own letter packs to the newly formed letters folder and setting 'Enable Letters' to 'By System Display Name' from the layout options. I have included a few of these dedicated system letter packages as an example. The letters feature can be turned off as well.
Don't forget to copy the letters folder from the download and place it in your main attract folder.

2. I have re-encoded the animated backgrounds for the At-The-Arcade theme series to mp4 H264 1080p 30fps. Any device on the planet (even a Pi) should be able to run this format without a hitch!

3. I have included a dedicated font for the on-screen keyboard-search so it shows capital letters instead of lower case ones (looks better).


Version 5.5 update video:

Download link on original post page:



Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 [Released!!!]
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 08, 2020, 12:13:34 AM
Release v5.5 must be one of the shortest living updates in this forum's history because release v5.6 is here and it's all about Linux compatibility!

It annoyed me that despite all my hard work, using the same frontend with the same modules with the same layouts I couldn't get the same results on linux. Animations where missing, background art was not loading, letters were not showing and even the Amiga 500 png image refused to show. So enough was enough, I had to investigate. I found out two issues:

1. Some attract mode modules don't work the same on Windows and Linux - I found two of those: 'Fade' and 'Pan-and-Scan'.
For example, 'Pan-and-Scan' has two functions: PanAndScanArt() and PanAndScanImage(). On windows PanAndScanArt() loads images both in and out of the layout folder but in linux it doesn't! In order to load images from the layout folder you must use PanAndScanImage() which is dedicated to that purpose. This is why my hovering animations didn't show when running on linux.

2. Apparently, linux is case sensitive but windows is not. For linux, "amiga500.png" and "Amiga500.png" are two different things. Luckily I had only ONE of these case sensitive issues. So the Amiga Forever! theme now works properly. As for the Leters, "a.png" and "A.png" are also distinct in linux so now all letter packs are lower case ("a.png").

So, The Great Themes Collection should now work on Windows and Linux! HURRAAA  8)

I tested with attract mode 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 VM.

Download link on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: markoattract on September 08, 2020, 06:14:05 AM
Hello Yaron and thank you again for your awesome work !!

I have modified the module.nut file in Keyboard-search folder to align the letters by collumns and the final raw with "del - space - clr - done " buttons aligned too ...

If for you is good i can post the string modification for the file . Let me know !

Your best !
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: akafox on September 10, 2020, 06:50:55 PM
Yes A is different than a on linux..that is the way it is with all unixes. Not sure why but always has been. Tripped me up at first when starting with linux  :P

I am glad you were able to get that working Yaron2019! I am sorry i didn't poke around like I normally do and be more help!  ::)

This information will help others with making their themes in the future! :)

Thank you for not leaving us linux users on our own!  ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 15, 2020, 01:11:48 AM
Hello Yaron and thank you again for your awesome work !!

I have modified the module.nut file in Keyboard-search folder to align the letters by collumns and the final raw with "del - space - clr - done " buttons aligned too ...

If for you is good i can post the string modification for the file . Let me know !

Your best !

You can post it here for other people to use but for now I'm done with updates.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 16, 2020, 05:34:53 AM
Yes A is different than a on linux..that is the way it is with all unixes. Not sure why but always has been. Tripped me up at first when starting with linux  :P

I am glad you were able to get that working Yaron2019! I am sorry i didn't poke around like I normally do and be more help!  ::)

This information will help others with making their themes in the future! :)

Thank you for not leaving us linux users on our own!  ;)

You are welcome.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Fransis on September 22, 2020, 09:03:04 AM
hello yaron, first of all, thank you for this wonderful job.
I have a question with the main theme hyperspin, because I do not get the videos from the systems, what is the route where I should place those videos?
Thank you
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 23, 2020, 01:11:23 AM
hello yaron, first of all, thank you for this wonderful job.
I have a question with the main theme hyperspin, because I do not get the videos from the systems, what is the route where I should place those videos?
Thank you

Hi, you are welcome.

For the Hyperspin Theme Mode (mine is set to a 'mame' folder in the 'art-menu' folder), place your wheel logos and theme videos
in these folders:
Wheel logos -> attract\menu-art\Mame\wheel
Theme videos -> attract\menu-art\Mame\themes

If you have more issues, look here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Fransis on September 23, 2020, 04:40:21 AM
hello, thanks for the answer, but I don't think I have explained myself well.
Those routes are clear to me, and they are defined in the emulator configurations.
but I am referring to the hyperspin layout (main menu), that is, only the main menu, then by emulators I have each one set, but in the main menu I want to use the hyperspin one.
If it loads the icons of the corresponding platforms (snes, mame, etc ...) on the wheel, but it is supposed to have some background videos of the systems, and it only loads a static image video.
that's my question, those videos for the systems, where are they supposed to go and what names do they have to have?
Thank you
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 23, 2020, 05:25:52 AM
hello, thanks for the answer, but I don't think I have explained myself well.
Those routes are clear to me, and they are defined in the emulator configurations.
but I am referring to the hyperspin layout (main menu), that is, only the main menu, then by emulators I have each one set, but in the main menu I want to use the hyperspin one.
If it loads the icons of the corresponding platforms (snes, mame, etc ...) on the wheel, but it is supposed to have some background videos of the systems, and it only loads a static image video.
that's my question, those videos for the systems, where are they supposed to go and what names do they have to have?
Thank you

The 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' will look for it's videos in attract/menu-art/themes
and wheel logos in attract/menu-art/wheel

For general knowledge: In attract mode, there are three basic layers: the emulator, the display name assigned to it and the layout/theme that is assigned to that display name.
You can see all of them by launching attract mode, pressing the TAB button and going to either the emulator or displays menus.
For the main menu, there is a special display name defined by attract mode called 'Display Menu Options' listed at the bottom of the display configure list.

The 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' layout will look for matching the display name of a system with the name of the videos and wheel logos in the
attract/menu-art/themes and attract/menu-art/wheel folders.
So if your display name for SNES is 'Super Nintendo Entertainment System", the theme background video and wheel logo must have the same name.
If your arcade collection's display name is called "Mame", then the background video should be "Mame.mp4" and wheel logo should be "Mame.png".
If your Sega-Genesis display name is "Sega Genesis", then the background video should be "Sega Genesis.mp4" and wheel logo should be "Sega Genesis.png".

I hope it answers your questions.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v5.6 - Windows and Linux Compatibility Release!
Post by: Fransis on September 24, 2020, 02:57:46 AM
located, I have already seen the folder that I was missing, now I have the videos from the main menu working. the result is spectacular !!!
Thank you
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v6.0 - The missing themes part 1
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 04, 2020, 08:56:21 AM
Version 6.0 of the Great Themes Collection is here and it brings with it new cool themes, totaling in 96 themes for 83 systems (some systems have more then one theme)!
This release adds the following systems:

Atari Jaguar
Acorn BBC Micro
At-The-Arcade Capcom Classics
At-The-Arcade Capcom Play System I
At-The-Arcade Capcom Play System II
At-The-Arcade Capcom Play System III

And a special theme called Favourites. Until there is a better solution from the attract mode platform, this theme needs you to create your Favourites.txt romlist on your own.

This release also includes minor bug fixes and adjustments.


Update demo video:

Download link and instructions on original post page:





Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v6.0 - The missing themes part 1
Post by: duy64 on October 04, 2020, 12:32:03 PM
Thank you for the great themes, keep up the good works. :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v6.0 - The missing themes part 1
Post by: hedergim on October 04, 2020, 01:39:32 PM
Has the Pulsing Wheel problem been solved?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v6.0 - The missing themes part 1
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 05, 2020, 08:14:24 AM
Has the Pulsing Wheel problem been solved?

Meh, it's a minor artifact that happens after an hour of not moving the wheel and it disappears after you navigate the wheel again.
Anyway, there is a possibility that I am missing something, overlooking a possible solution. Anyone who can find a solution for it that doesn't involve
replacing all the animation code in all the themes, I will happily implement it! :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v6.0 - The missing themes part 1
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 05, 2020, 08:14:43 AM
Thank you for the great themes, keep up the good works. :)

You are welcome!  ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v7.0 - The missing themes part 2
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 12, 2020, 01:30:41 AM
Version 7.0 of the Great Themes Collection is here and it now includes 100 themes for 87 systems!

New in this release are layouts for:
At-The-Arcade OpenBOR
At-The-Arcade Mugen (M.U.G.E.N)
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer
Commodore VIC-20

I Fixed several regressions in the 'Nintendo Entertainment System - Lava' theme. It now works properly again.
I also fixed several minor bugs.

In addition, I modified the on-screen keyboard-search keys positions, select color and size - It's now easier to navigate
and the overall look is slick (thanks to marcoattract for keys aligning code)


Update demo video:

Download link and instructions on original post page:




Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v7.0 - The missing themes part 2
Post by: hedergim on October 12, 2020, 08:46:22 AM
The Best
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v7.0 - The missing themes part 2
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 12, 2020, 12:42:25 PM
The Best

Awesome! tell me what you think of the modified on-screen keyboard style.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v8.0 - It knows how to count games!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 17, 2020, 08:01:43 AM
Pablo Picasso once said that "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal". Well, I am a great artist as I have stolen adapted pcca-matrix's code for system game counting from the PCCA theme :D
I have also finally "discovered" the option to use modules and not just copy files into every layout folder like a monkey (one evolution at a time).
This was particularly useful with the on-screen keyboard search as it reduced the disk space the collection takes by about 80 MB and reduced the file count by a massive 4,171 files (56% reduction)!
I initially planned on customizing each search window per it's system but decided that the current look is great and that I'm not going to bother with it.

The system games count works in the following manner:
When launching AM with the version 8.0 of the Great Themes Collection, there will be an initial count. When you enter a system, if the initial count is different then the
actual number of games available, there will be a recount for that specific system. This is especially handy with systems like MAME where we usually have a bunch of filters
applied. In order to have this recount, make sure that the current filter is set to "All" (the default filter in AM). Any time the collection detects that the available games are
diferent then the last count (like when you add / remove games, or add / remove systems) there should be a recount when navigating through the systems
(in between systems or from a system to the main menu or vice versa). Why? because pcca-matrix has not written code yet for anything else and when he does I will be a great artist again!

I know that there are quite a few theme devs that wanted this feature so feel free to download the latest version and become great artists as well.

I also added some missing default cartart files to a few themes.

IMPORTANT: I recommend you delete your current Great Themes Collection layouts and copy the new layouts in order to profit from the reduction in disk space.
Also, you must copy from the included modules folder the 'gtc' and 'gtc-kb' folders to your attract\modules folder.


Update demo video:

Download link and instructions on original post page:

Game counting
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v8.0 - It knows how to count games!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 18, 2020, 04:35:37 AM
I have a life defining question to the community: what looks better? the size of the "Free Play" and red/blue joystick as it is now (look at the  screenshot in previous post) or larger as it is in Hyperspin? ? ? ?
I can't decide!  >:(
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v8.0 - It knows how to count games!
Post by: Karlosworkz on October 18, 2020, 11:22:46 PM
Yaron you are very fierce in the layout how do I implement this count in my themes ??  It's very good, congratulations👏👏👏👏

Pablo Picasso once said that "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal". Well, I am a great artist as I have stolen adapted pcca-matrix's code for system game counting from the PCCA theme :D
I have also finally "discovered" the option to use modules and not just copy files into every layout folder like a monkey (one evolution at a time).
This was particularly useful with the on-screen keyboard search as it reduced the disk space the collection takes by about 80 MB and reduced the file count by a massive 4,171 files (56% reduction)!
I initially planned on customizing each search window per it's system but decided that the current look is great and that I'm not going to bother with it.

The system games count works in the following manner:
When launching AM with the version 8.0 of the Great Themes Collection, there will be an initial count. When you enter a system, if the initial count is different then the
actual number of games available, there will be a recount for that specific system. This is especially handy with systems like MAME where we usually have a bunch of filters
applied. In order to have this recount, make sure that the current filter is set to "All" (the default filter in AM). Any time the collection detects that the available games are
diferent then the last count (like when you add / remove games, or add / remove systems) there should be a recount when navigating through the systems
(in between systems or from a system to the main menu or vice versa). Why? because pcca-matrix has not written code yet for anything else and when he does I will be a great artist again!

I know that there are quite a few theme devs that wanted this feature so feel free to download the latest version and become great artists as well.

I also added some missing default cartart files to a few themes.

IMPORTANT: I recommend you delete your current Great Themes Collection layouts and copy the new layouts in order to profit from the reduction in disk space.
Also, you must copy from the included modules folder the 'gtc' and 'gtc-kb' folders to your attract\modules folder.


Demo video (v5.0):

Download the Collection:

Those who want to build additional themes for this collection, here are all the art files for each theme in xcf format (Gimp):

Instructions on how to use the collection:

This is a theme collection for the Attract Mode front-end (v2.6.1).
It is best suited for wide screen displays.

Stage 1: Prepare the games roms and media for the emulated system
Download all the game roms and media and place them in folders of your choosing.
For example, for MAME, place the roms in  'C:\my_games\mame\roms'

You can download all the media you need from (wheel logos, videos, cart art, box art, etc)
In attract mode's 'menu-art' folder, create a folder for your system, example:

In this folder create the following folders:

Copy the relevant files to each folder (wheel logos to 'wheel', snap videos to 'videos', etc).

Now you need to connect the emulator to the media. For each system attract mode has an emulator cfg file located in

In our example it will be: C:\attract\emulators\mame.cfg
You can edit this file with notepad or from within attract mode's menu system. Here you will tell attract mode what emulator to use, where to find all the art, etc.

It should look something like this:

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable           E:/Arcade/Attract/apps/Mame/mame64nonag.exe
args                 [name]
rompath              E:/Arcade/Attract/apps/Mame/roms
romext               .zip;.chd
system               Arcade
info_source          listxml
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    marquee         c:/attract/menu-art/mame/marquee
artwork    snap            c:/attract/menu-art/mame/videos
artwork    wheel           c:/attract/menu-art/mame/wheel
artwork    boxart          c:/attract/menu-art/mame/boxart
artwork    flyer           c:/attract/menu-art/mame/flyer

As you can see, the "artwork" label tells attract mode to find wheel in 'c:/attract/menu-art/mame/wheel', snap (videos) in 'c:/attract/menu-art/mame/videos'

Replace the paths in the example to the ones you have, save and close the file.

Stage 2: Set up the collection as your themes of choice
1. Copy the contents of the included layouts folder to your attract\layouts folder.
2. Copy the sounds, videos and letters folders to your main attract folder (where the attract.exe file is)
3. Copy the 'gtc' and 'gtc-kb' folders from the included modules folder to your attract attract\modules folder
4. Launch attract mode and assign the themes (layouts) that you want to the emulators you have:
Pressing 'Tab' will bring the main 'Configure' menu on screen. Then go to 'Displays', choose the display you want to configure by
pressing 'Enter' and choose a layout from the 'Layout' option (navigate the layouts list with up/down arrows or joystick).

Attract Mode should now know what emulators to use, where to find the art it needs and what theme to use for each system you assigned it for.

If performance on low end systems such as the Pi is slow, you can improve it by disabling shader related options in the layout options menu:
- In the 'At-The-Arcade' layout series set "Enable CRT screen glow" to "No" and if that is not enough you can also set "Enable lighted marquee effect" to "No" as well.
- In the 'Hyperspin-Theme-Mode' layout series, set "Enable video shader effect" to "No".
- In any other layout (consoles, computers, handhelds), disable any bloom or glow effects, for example: set "Enable CRT bloom shader effect" to "No".

The themes included in this collection are best suited for wide screen displays

Currently there are 100 themes for 87 systems in the collection (including variations):
Main Menus:
Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode (featured in the demo video)
Main Menu theme

At-The-Arcade Candy
At-The-Arcade HD
At-The-Arcade Sega Model 2
At-The-Arcade Sega Model 3
At-The-Arcade Naomi
At-The-Arcade Naomi v2
At-The-Arcade Atomiswave
At-The-Arcade SNK MVS
At-The-Arcade Capcom Classics
At-The-Arcade Capcom Play System 1,2,3
At-The-Arcade OpenBOR
At-The-Arcade Mugen (M.U.G.E.N)
Hyperspin Theme Mode

SNK Neo Geo CD
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo 64
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Simple
Nintendo Super Famicom
Nintendo Super Famicom - Simple
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Entertainment System - Lava
Nintendo Famicom
Nintendo Famicom Disk System
Sega Dreamcast
Sega CD
Sega CD - Dark
Sega Saturn
Sega Saturn Japan
Sega 32X
Sega Genesis
Sega Mega Drive Japan
Sega Master System
Sega SG-1000
Sony Playstation 3
Sony Playstation 2
Sony Playstation
Panasonic 3DO
Commodore Amiga CD32
NEC PC Engine-CD
NEC PC Engine
NEC Turbografx-16
NEC Turbografx-CD
Microsoft XBox 360
Microsoft XBox
Amstrad GX4000
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari Jaguar
Mattel Intellivision
Magnavox Odyssey 2
Bally Astrocade
Emerson Arcadia 2001
GCE Vertex

PC Games
Commodore Amiga Forever!
Commodore Amiga-Memories
Commodore 64
Commodore VIC-20
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Atari ST
Atari 8-bit
Amstrad CPC
Windows 3.x
Sharp X68000
MS-DOS Vintage
Acorn BBC Micro
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer
Apple II

Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Virtual Boy
Sony PSP
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
SNK Neo Geo Pocket
Sega Game Gear
Atari Lynx
Bandai WonderSwan Color
Bandai WonderSwan
Nintendo Game & Watch
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v8.0 - It knows how to count games!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 19, 2020, 08:38:59 AM
Yaron you are very fierce in the layout how do I implement this count in my themes ??  It's very good, congratulations👏👏👏👏

Hey Karlos, thanks!

There are three parts to this game counting system:
1. The gtc module (you can find it in the download's module folder)

2. Counting code that belongs to a Main Menu (Display menu) layout - this code does the first count and creates the gtc.stats file in which all the counting data is stored.
It also shows the counting result. It will do a second count if it detects that a system was added or removed. You can find this code in my 'Main Menu' and 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' layouts.

3. Counting code that belongs to any system layout you have (MAME, NES, SNES, Genesis, etc). This code counts the games only for the system it belongs to and only if it detects that the actual number of games is different from the number of games in the gtc.stats file. It happens in two cases: If the first count done by the main menu shows a different number then the system has to show - for example, the main menu counts 3000 games for MAME, but when you go into the mame system it shows only 2000 games because you have global filters. so it will do a new count for MAME ONLY and write it to gtc.stats. Example for global filters my MAME system has in the attract.cfg file:
Code: [Select]
rule                 FileIsAvailable equals 1
rule                 Category not_contains Device|Computer|Electromechanical|Casino|handheld|tabletop|gambling
rule                 Status equals good|imperfect
rule                 Category not_equals not_equals casino / cards|casino / reels

What you need to add:
1. The module contains the functions that do the counting - you don't need to edit this, just place the gtc folder in your attract\modules folder.

2. The counting code for the Main/Display Menu layout is as follows, just copy it to the Main/Display Menu layout you have:
Code: [Select]
// Main Menu games count

// change m_infos static x,y,w,h values to relocate text
local m_infos = fe.add_text("",400, 400, 500, 500);
m_infos.align = Align.Left;

m_infos.word_wrap = true;
m_infos.charsize = 24;
m_infos.set_rgb(0, 0, 0);

main_infos <- {};
if( !file_exist(FeConfigDirectory + "gtc.stats") )
fe.overlay.splash_message ("Counting games, please wait...")
print("Created the gtc.stats file!\n");
main_infos <- LoadStats();

function stats_text_update( sys )
    if( main_infos.rawin( sys ) )
        m_infos.msg = "Games: " + main_infos[sys].cnt;
        m_infos.msg = "";

function main_menu_stats( ttype, var, ttime )
local curr_sys;
if ( ttype == Transition.StartLayout)
curr_sys =;
if( main_infos.rawin(curr_sys) )
if(fe.list.size != main_infos[curr_sys].cnt)
main_infos[curr_sys].cnt = fe.list.size;
print("Counted games for " + curr_sys + "\n");
else  // new system added , create new entry
main_infos <- refresh_stats(curr_sys);
print("Counted games for new system: " + curr_sys + "\n");

stats_text_update( fe.game_info(Info.Title) );

if ( ttype == Transition.ToNewSelection )
stats_text_update( fe.game_info(Info.Title, var) );

return false;
fe.add_transition_callback( "main_menu_stats" );

3. The counting code for the systems themselves. Add it to every system layout.nut file you have (MAME, SNES, etc):

Code: [Select]
// System games count

main_infos <- {};
if( !file_exist(FeConfigDirectory + "gtc.stats") )
fe.overlay.splash_message ("Counting games, please wait...")
print("Chicuelo Mix created the gtc.stats file!\n");
main_infos <- LoadStats();

function main_menu_stats( ttype, var, ttime )
local curr_sys;
if ( ttype == Transition.StartLayout)
curr_sys =;

if( fe.filters[fe.list.filter_index].name.tolower() == "all" ) // make sure there is no filter
if( main_infos.rawin(curr_sys) )
if(fe.list.size != main_infos[curr_sys].cnt)
main_infos[curr_sys].cnt = fe.list.size;
print("Counted games for " + curr_sys + "\n");
return false;
fe.add_transition_callback( "main_menu_stats" );

It is also important to notice, that the system game count will work only when the filter is set to 'All'. If you set the filter to 'Favorites' for example, it will not count.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.0 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 23, 2020, 01:17:32 AM
Release v9.0 focuses on bug fixing and finishing the final phase of the big clean-out.

The size of The Great Themes Collection v9.0 has been reduced by an additional 43MB and 861 files.
This is now LOWER in disk space then version v4.0 while having many more themes and features!

All common files (sounds, videos, art and letters) that are used by all themes are now in a folder named 'gtc-common'.
I also removed the 'pand-and-scan.nut' from all themes and added it as a module folder called 'gtc-pas'.

I now consider this collection to be efficient disk space wise and unless I find some issue, no further optimizations will be done in this regard.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Main menu themes will recount the number of games every time they load
- Fixed: Game count fails on Linux because of "\\" characters in the module code
- Fixed: Removed unused code from several themes
- Fixed: Wheel sound not playing on layout startup when "Enable startup animations" or "Enable startup sound" are set to No
- Fixed: Character art was not showing in ScummVM theme when "Enable startup animations" is set to No
- Fixed: Nintendo 3DS theme was missing startup sounds
- Fixed: multiple visual bugs
- Improved some sound effects

Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 VM.

NOTICE: If you had an older version of the collection installed on your attract mode setup, you can remove from your attract folder the letters, videos and sounds folders. I have updated the instructions at the original post and in the included 'readme.txt' file. Make sure you remove the collection's layouts and modules and copy the new ones included!


Download link and instructions on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.0 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 27, 2020, 01:36:46 PM
version 9.1 is a small optimization update that includes:

- Further reduction in size of about 30MB by consolidating bezels into the 'gtc-common' folder and by eliminating unnecessary mp3, mp4 and art files from the Lava theme
- Further code cleanup
- Minor visual enhancement to the Commodore VIC-20 theme and new fonts for the 'Main Menu' and 'ScummVM' themes


Download link and instructions on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.1 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: markoattract on October 28, 2020, 03:53:59 AM
Hi Yaron !!! As always your work is great !

I have a little question for you ... About the Keyboard search module, i have designed different "pixel.png" for every system, but now , with only one folder to load the module, i'have lost this feature .

My idea is : create a folder into "gtc-kb" folder named "systems" and put in all png's files renamed like the systems , "NEOGEO.png" "FBNEO.png" "MEGADRIVE.png" so every layout will have a different background per-system when open the search window ...

How can i modify the module.nut to do this ???

Sorry for my english, thank you for the answer and have a nice day ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.1 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 28, 2020, 05:15:42 AM
Hi Yaron !!! As always your work is great !

I have a little question for you ... About the Keyboard search module, i have designed different "pixel.png" for every system, but now , with only one folder to load the module, i'have lost this feature .

Hey there my search loving friend! I hope all is well.
We haven't lost any capability at all. What you have to do in order to have a custom background for the search is to create whatever search background you want, place it in the system layout folder you want it in and change a small bit of the existing layout code:

Code: [Select]
.keys_pos([ 0.05, 0.45, 0.9, 0.4 ])
.search_key( my_config["user_search_key"].tolower() )
.mode( "show_results" )
.text_font("BebasNeue Bold")
.bg_color(255,255,255,210) // first change
.bg("search_bg.png") // second change

and voilà! you can have whatever search background you want without system naming issues and without changing the module.

I attached the At-The-Arcade layout.nut + search_bg.png files for you to test. You can change the search_bg.png to whatever png file you want.

This is the proper way of doing it by the way - the module provides these built-in capabilities.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.1 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: markoattract on October 28, 2020, 08:37:01 AM
Hi Yaron !!! As always your work is great !

I have a little question for you ... About the Keyboard search module, i have designed different "pixel.png" for every system, but now , with only one folder to load the module, i'have lost this feature .

Hey there my search loving friend! I hope all is well.
We haven't lost any capability at all. What you have to do in order to have a custom background for the search is to create whatever search background you want, place it in the system layout folder you want it in and change a small bit of the existing layout code:

Code: [Select]
.keys_pos([ 0.05, 0.45, 0.9, 0.4 ])
.search_key( my_config["user_search_key"].tolower() )
.mode( "show_results" )
.text_font("BebasNeue Bold")
.bg_color(255,255,255,210) // first change
.bg("search_bg.png") // second change

and voilà! you can have whatever search background you want without system naming issues and without changing the module.

I attached the At-The-Arcade layout.nut + search_bg.png files for you to test. You can change the search_bg.png to whatever png file you want.

This is the proper way of doing it by the way - the module provides these built-in capabilities.


You are my HERO ! :D Thank you soooo much !!! :D :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.1 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: Fefeld on November 08, 2020, 01:41:19 AM
Hi @Yaron2019, your work is pretty impressive.
I own a vertical CRT system 640x480.
will your theme work for me? if not any advice to get something similar to your theme working on a vertical cab?

thank you.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v9.1 - Bug fixes and finishing the big clean-out!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 09, 2020, 02:05:50 AM
Hi @Yaron2019, your work is pretty impressive.
I own a vertical CRT system 640x480.
will your theme work for me? if not any advice to get something similar to your theme working on a vertical cab?

thank you.

Hi Fefeld ,
Thanks for the kind word!
My themes are best for wide screen displays. I don't think it will look great on a 640x480 vertical crt. I don't know if it will even work on it actually.
Look at the forum for Cosmo's collection - maybe it supports this kind of setup.
For themes that have a different style but are designed to work with vertical/non-vertical screens, take a look at: PCCA, Arcadeflow, Flat Blue and Verticool Deluxe.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - New themes! New Art! New Bug fixes!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 09, 2020, 02:21:20 AM
The Great Themes Collection version 10.0 is here and it brings with it two new themes for the 'Nintendo Switch' and 'Nintendo Wii U', artistic upgrades to the 'PC Games' layout, Hyperspin transitions
to the Hyperspin Theme Mode layout and a few bug fixes, chief among them for the game counting code.

- Added two new themes: 'Nintendo Switch' and 'Nintendo Wii U'
- Added 5 beautiful artistic themes of popular brands to the existing 'PC Games' layout
- Added ability to play hyperspin transitions in Hyperspin-Theme-Mode
- Fixed in all themes: if system is new and does not exist in the gtc.stats file, it did not count that system's games
- Removed redundant games counting code from the two main menu themes and the 'gtc' module
- Enlarged the wheel logo sizes for all Hyperspin-Theme based layouts to better resemble the original
- Various small visual updates

Demo Video:

Download link and instructions on original post page:







Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Sinistar on November 13, 2020, 03:36:49 PM
Hey Yaron2019

when I open your hyperspin themes on raspberry pi the animated text "press start" and "next game" including the joystick are upside down and backwards. Is there any fix to that? i looked at the file it is correct but when it comes up in attract mode on pi it is upsidedown and backwards.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 14, 2020, 01:29:41 AM
when I open your hyperspin themes on raspberry pi the animated text "press start" and "next game" including the joystick are upside down and backwards. Is there any fix to that? i looked at the file it is correct but when it comes up in attract mode on pi it is upsidedown and backwards.

Of course I have a fix: Turn your monitor upside down!  8)

Honestly I don't know - I think someone reported the same issue in the past but I don't have a PI so I can't test it. Sorry mate.
You can turn them off though from the layout options menu...
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Sinistar on November 14, 2020, 05:18:28 PM
when I open your hyperspin themes on raspberry pi the animated text "press start" and "next game" including the joystick are upside down and backwards. Is there any fix to that? i looked at the file it is correct but when it comes up in attract mode on pi it is upsidedown and backwards.

Of course I have a fix: Turn your monitor upside down!  8)

Honestly I don't know - I think someone reported the same issue in the past but I don't have a PI so I can't test it. Sorry mate.
You can turn them off though from the layout options menu...

Is there a way in the layout nut to move or perhaps  use x and y in the layout nut to flip em'? Also i would have to flip my monitor upside down and put a mirror on it. haha I think discus of tron works that way
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 14, 2020, 11:58:46 PM
Is there a way in the layout nut to move or perhaps  use x and y in the layout nut to flip em'? Also i would have to flip my monitor upside down and put a mirror on it. haha I think discus of tron works that way

In the layout.nut file, look at "// Joystick and Press start animations" (lines 1422 - 1552). This is the part that handles the "press start" and "next game" art and animations.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 15, 2020, 11:39:54 AM
Try the attached layout.nut in your' Hyperspin Theme Mode' and tell me if it made any change.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Sinistar on November 15, 2020, 01:30:00 PM
Try the attached layout.nut in your' Hyperspin Theme Mode' and tell me if it made any change.

It didn't work took all the appropriate steps to make sure it mine wasnt cached. ill take a swing at it. I really appreciate you doing that. If you could think of anything else please lemme know. I'll holler if i figure it out.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: slowsl on November 16, 2020, 11:39:44 AM
These look really good.  I've added them to my RPi 3 (not overclocked) build, however the animations are a bit too choppy and take too  long to transition between systems.  I will disable the animation, but is this just the limit to the raspberry pi's processing power, or do I have another issue going on? 
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.0 - Released!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 17, 2020, 01:29:03 AM
These look really good.  I've added them to my RPi 3 (not overclocked) build, however the animations are a bit too choppy and take too  long to transition between systems.  I will disable the animation, but is this just the limit to the raspberry pi's processing power, or do I have another issue going on?

Unfortunately it's the combination of limitations from both AM and the RPi 3. Turning off the animations is the right approach in your situation.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.1 - Released!
Post by: Yaron2019 on November 28, 2020, 09:30:05 AM
Version 10.1 of The Great Themes Collection is here!

It includes the following improvements:
- Massive improvement in the smoothness of wheel navigation when box and cart arts are enabled
- Better behavior of the wheel logo pulse when navigating the wheel
- Updated the art for the Sega Game Gear layout

Unless I find serious bugs, this will be the final release of this project.

Thanks for all of the great feedback!

Download link and instructions on original post page:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.1 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 03, 2020, 12:08:20 AM
I've implemented some default themes for mame in the Hyperspin-Theme-Mode layout.
You can select which one to use from the layout menu and it will show when a unified theme video of a game cannot be found. Just like Hyperspin, it will use the regular mame snap videos instead. This is a much better solution then just slapping the default snap video all over the screen. The result is really sweet.
I also changed the default wheel fadeout to Partially and wheel navigation speed to 25ms to better emulate the original experience.

Demo video:

Download link and instructions on original post page:



Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.2 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 06, 2020, 12:06:12 PM
The Great Themes Collection v10.2 is out with fixes for a few issues.
I have also taken this opportunity to include some improvements to the 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' layouts.

- Removed redundant code in the wheel pointer animation section in all themes
- FIXED: backup snap would not mute when Mute Snap Videos was set to Yes in 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' layout
- Added ability to enable 'Additional wheel click sound' to 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' layouts so a click sound is played when starting wheel navigation which is more compatible with original Hyperspin behavior.
- Added "Arcade" default background theme to 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' layout
- Added hs_click.mp3 sound to the gtc_common\sound folder

Download link and instructions on original post page:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.2 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on December 09, 2020, 05:09:02 AM
found a small error in:

"Round wheel"
"adjust right"

the error is repeated in all more than 100 layouts:

the numbers flx * 0.78 are repeated,

the roulette wheel is a little misaligned.

wrong line:
wheel_x = [flx * 0.90, flx * 0.895, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.825, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.73, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.86 ,];

correct line probably:
wheel_x = [flx * 0.90, flx * 0.895, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.825, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.73, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.80, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.86 ,];

Congratulations on the work.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.2 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 09, 2020, 11:08:27 PM
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 10, 2020, 01:05:05 AM
The Great Themes Collection v10.3 is out with a visual bug fix regarding the wheel when it is set to Round+Adjust Right+Smaller.
Thanks for hedergim for catching this one!

Download link and instructions on original post page:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: duy64 on December 29, 2020, 01:17:26 AM
Anyway to make lowercase and uppercase titles sort in the same order ?
For example, if the title is "beats Mania" it would not get sort with the letter B titles, but instead it would got placed before the letter A and after the letter Z titles.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: CSOne on December 29, 2020, 02:53:47 AM
Wow that's great.
There are many kinds of themes.
The colorful screen effect is impressive.
Your efforts will entertain many people.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 29, 2020, 11:45:29 AM
Anyway to make lowercase and uppercase titles sort in the same order ?
For example, if the title is "beats Mania" it would not get sort with the letter B titles, but instead it would got placed before the letter A and after the letter Z titles.

Not that I am aware of.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on December 29, 2020, 11:46:24 AM
Wow that's great.
There are many kinds of themes.
The colorful screen effect is impressive.
Your efforts will entertain many people.

Thanks CSOne!  :)
You have awesome themes as well!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: tsaylor on January 13, 2021, 05:53:28 PM
Amazing! Very nice work!

Have you considered adding a pinball theme? I've also got a number of pinball games and am looking for a different way to display them. Essentially just something more like a pinball game with backglass, instead of an arcade machine with marquee.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 14, 2021, 01:30:08 PM
Amazing! Very nice work!

Have you considered adding a pinball theme? I've also got a number of pinball games and am looking for a different way to display them. Essentially just something more like a pinball game with backglass, instead of an arcade machine with marquee.


Yes, I have considered adding a pinball theme but it will be added when Attract Mode Plus will be released. Version 10.3 is the last version of this collection for the regular attract mode.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on January 15, 2021, 06:28:56 AM

when will AttractMode Plus be released?

Could you tell us any news that you are certain to have?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: jedione on January 15, 2021, 06:58:18 AM
what is it you need from AM+ to make pinball theme?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 16, 2021, 04:09:18 AM

when will AttractMode Plus be released?

Could you tell us any news that you are certain to have?

I don't know. It doesn't depend on me.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 16, 2021, 04:11:41 AM
what is it you need from AM+ to make pinball theme?

Nothing in particular but AM+ should bring with it features that I may want to implement in my themes, so it makes no sense to continue development until I know what I need/want to change or add in the existing themes.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: jedione on January 16, 2021, 06:49:15 AM
yaa, sounds like Oomek is getting a bit closer...their cant wait for the plus..

that inersha thing you did was...nice..    :D
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on January 28, 2021, 05:28:19 PM
I'm sorry to interrupt,
I'm just an admirer of your beautiful work,

I want to know if it is possible to create a theme in AttractMode with 2 incredible features that I saw in that theme:
Youtube link:

1- Video opening and closing effect;

2- The Wheels have very beautiful movements, recoil, when selected it goes down to the bottom, this incredible movement of Wheels.

I would really like to see a theme like this in AttractMode, and you are very smart in theme programming,
sorry to bother.

be well.

Desculpe interromper,
sou apenas um admirador do seu bonito trabalho,

quero saber se é possível criar um tema no AttractMode com 2 características incríveis que vi nesse tema:
Link Youtube:

1- Efeito de abrir e fechar  Video;

2- As Wheels tem movimentos muito bonito, recolhimento, quando selecionada ela desce até em baixo, incrível esse movimento de Wheels.

Eu gostaria muito de ver um tema desse no AttractMode, e você é muito inteligente na programação de tema,
desculpe incomodar.

passar bem.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: jedione on January 28, 2021, 08:03:46 PM
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 29, 2021, 12:48:29 AM
I'm sorry to interrupt,
I'm just an admirer of your beautiful work,

I want to know if it is possible to create a theme in AttractMode with 2 incredible features that I saw in that theme:
Youtube link:

1- Video opening and closing effect;

2- The Wheels have very beautiful movements, recoil, when selected it goes down to the bottom, this incredible movement of Wheels.

I would really like to see a theme like this in AttractMode, and you are very smart in theme programming,
sorry to bother.

be well.

Hi hedergim!
I guess that we can do it by animating the wheel logo when it ends its navigation.
I need to find time to try something like this...  ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on January 29, 2021, 04:58:26 AM
I am sure that when you find the time you will be able to do it, it would be a pleasure to use a theme with this technology in AttractMode, and you are one of the only people capable of making this happen.

I'll be waiting for this when you find the time.

good job.

estou certo que quando voce encontrar tempo vai conseguir fazer, seria um prazer usar um tema com essa tecnologia no AttractMode, e você é uma das únicas pessoas capaz de fazer isso acontecer.

estarei aguardando isso quando voce encontrar tempo.

bom trabalho.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Ʉ₦₳VØ₩ɆĐ on January 30, 2021, 01:40:44 PM
clever bloke, that guy in the video  :P
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 31, 2021, 03:06:43 AM
clever bloke, that guy in the video  :P

Hahaha, it's some brilliant work there mate!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on February 01, 2021, 12:50:55 PM
I'm sorry to interrupt,
I'm just an admirer of your beautiful work,

I want to know if it is possible to create a theme in AttractMode with 2 incredible features that I saw in that theme:
Youtube link:

1- Video opening and closing effect;

2- The Wheels have very beautiful movements, recoil, when selected it goes down to the bottom, this incredible movement of Wheels.

I would really like to see a theme like this in AttractMode, and you are very smart in theme programming,
sorry to bother.

be well.

Hi hedergim!
I guess that we can do it by animating the wheel logo when it ends its navigation.
I need to find time to try something like this...  ;)

Would you like to test the theme that my friend made based on this video?

Voce gostaria de testar o tema que o meu amigo fez baseado nesse video?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 02, 2021, 09:20:27 AM

Would you like to test the theme that my friend made based on this video?

Voce gostaria de testar o tema que o meu amigo fez baseado nesse video?

Of course! shoot
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on February 02, 2021, 01:48:32 PM

Would you like to test the theme that my friend made based on this video?

Voce gostaria de testar o tema que o meu amigo fez baseado nesse video?

Of course! shoot

Yaron ...
Thanks for testing my friend Rodrigo's layout theme.

Waiting for answers.

The Core-RetroFE community is to be congratulated for the union, credits to the creator.
Ʉ₦₳VØ₩ɆĐ Nice work.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: tomnjerry74 on February 02, 2021, 08:58:33 PM
Incredible work you have done here. Thank you for this amazing set of themes!

Is there a way that I can use full-screen theme videos for games, and if the theme video is not present then automatically use the system's default theme (with normal snaps, boxart, etc)? Kind of like how the Hyperspin Mode themes work but for all of the systems.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 03, 2021, 02:32:55 AM
Yaron ...
Thanks for testing my friend Rodrigo's layout theme.

Waiting for answers.

The Core-RetroFE community is to be congratulated for the union, credits to the creator.
Ʉ₦₳VØ₩ɆĐ Nice work.

Thanks, I will test it in the weekend.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 03, 2021, 02:35:03 AM
Incredible work you have done here. Thank you for this amazing set of themes!

Is there a way that I can use full-screen theme videos for games, and if the theme video is not present then automatically use the system's default theme (with normal snaps, boxart, etc)? Kind of like how the Hyperspin Mode themes work but for all of the systems.

of course, if you want to modify or create themes you will need to learn how to code in squirrel - the layout.nut script language used by attract mode.
You can start with any theme you want and learn more in the scripting section of the forum and here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: hedergim on February 09, 2021, 02:17:46 PM
Yaron ...
Thanks for testing my friend Rodrigo's layout theme.

Waiting for answers.

The Core-RetroFE community is to be congratulated for the union, credits to the creator.
Ʉ₦₳VØ₩ɆĐ Nice work.

Thanks, I will test it in the weekend.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 09, 2021, 11:44:41 PM
Of course, you and your friend are not synced?
You should join the discord channel
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: mentat on February 17, 2021, 08:09:51 AM
Great work Yaron ! It's now the theme on my box.

It miss a few theme (Nec Supergrafx, Super Nintendo, Wii ware, Sega Mark III for example), but the collection is huge.

I made a few change on it:

1) I replace 'Game:' in the game info box by '[ListFilterName]:' to have the name of the active filter on the screen
2) As I use it on a HD TV Screen, the text in the info box is a bit small from my couch (and you know, I'm not too young now..)
So I change :
font_size = flh*0.035; // 0.024 in this theme
and adjust the favstar position:
local x=flx*0.1; // 0.071

You can see the result join.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3 - Final Edition!
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 18, 2021, 10:31:47 AM
Great work Yaron ! It's now the theme on my box.

It miss a few theme (Nec Supergrafx, Super Nintendo, Wii ware, Sega Mark III for example), but the collection is huge.

I made a few change on it:

1) I replace 'Game:' in the game info box by '[ListFilterName]:' to have the name of the active filter on the screen
2) As I use it on a HD TV Screen, the text in the info box is a bit small from my couch (and you know, I'm not too young now..)
So I change :
font_size = flh*0.035; // 0.024 in this theme
and adjust the favstar position:
local x=flx*0.1; // 0.071

You can see the result join.

Excellent! Feel free to use and edit whatever you want. You can also use my themes as basis for your work if you want to develop your own themes.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.1 - Final Edition! (Updated 19 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 19, 2021, 07:48:51 AM
The Great Themes Collection version 10.3.1 is here and it includes:
+ Finally fixed the wheel logo pulse loop bug
+ Changed wheel navigation speed to 25 ms in all themes (snappier)
+ Included the 'Star Wars Legends', 'X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter' and 'Lord of the Rings' themes as these are great layouts imo.

Download link and instructions on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.1 - Final Edition! (Updated 20 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 20, 2021, 05:12:46 AM
+ Added transitions and new exit confirmation window to the 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' layout
+ Added the music playback capabilities of the Multi-Cab layout to the 'Star Wars Legends' and 'Lord of the Rings' themes
+ fixed a bug in the music Shuffle mode playback
+ Code improvements and cleanup of 'Star Wars Legends' and 'Lord of the Rings' themes
+ Added ASCII art to most themes layout files    (⌐⊙_⊙)

Collection version number stays 10.3.1 for now.

Download link and instructions on original post page:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on February 27, 2021, 02:06:48 AM
Updated to version 10.3.2 with focus on the Hyperspin Theme Mode layouts:
+ fixed shaders not being applied to snap when default theme is displayed in 'Hyperspin Theme Mode' layout
+ fixed default theme snap disappears when starting from it in a continuous navigation of the wheel
+ updated shaders settings code of all three Hyperspin Theme Mode based layouts to match that of At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab
+ new shaders folder structure and naming

Download link and instructions on original post page:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: b0str0m3 on March 17, 2021, 02:34:18 AM
good morning, first of all I would like to congratulate you on the great work you have done ... without a doubt ... the best pack of themes for our AM ... I just downloaded it ... and I have realized that some systems such as PCGAMES are missing, is there any way to download it ?? thanks a lot crack!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 19, 2021, 11:36:43 AM
Oops! probably deleted it by mistake before I uploaded.

updated the main download as well.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Multiplexer02 on March 19, 2021, 02:20:18 PM

thanks for the Cool Theme.
But i had a Problem with the Themes.

I run AM under Win10 ( Hyper PC Version)
Attract-Mode v2.3.0 (Windows, SFML 2.4 +SWF +7z)
avcodec 57.107.100 / avformat 57.83.100 / swscale 4.8.100 / swresample 2.9.10

The Problem is, no Snaps are not shown same at Backgrounds. TAhings like the TV is in foreground. normaly it is more in the Background .I have this issue on all the other Themes too.
( (
Some Themes have the System Title in the background here with the PSX-Logo is ok. But no Background,Snap an TV is in foreground and Console is in Background

last_run.cfg says :
Error opening input file: H:\HyperPC\Attract\layouts/Sony PlayStation/bkg.png
ERROR loading video: H:\HyperPC\Attract\layouts/Sony PlayStation/bkg.png

but in the Folder is bkg.jpg not bkg.png
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 20, 2021, 11:59:41 AM
“Attract-Mode v2.3.0” - this is the problem, you need to update to the latest stable release:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: DamnedRegistrations on March 21, 2021, 11:25:32 AM
Is there any possible way to display game title text instead of the missing wheel icons? Makes navigating a bit difficult.

Obviously there's tons of games out there with missing wheels, especially for Commodore systems. I used to be one of the main wheel makers at Hyperspin and there were a lot of systems we just never got to.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 22, 2021, 01:34:35 AM
Is there any possible way to display game title text instead of the missing wheel icons? Makes navigating a bit difficult.

Hi, not that I am aware of. You can post this question also on our discord channel where more people can see it and interact:

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Multiplexer02 on March 23, 2021, 10:40:47 AM
“Attract-Mode v2.3.0” - this is the problem, you need to update to the latest stable release:

Thats the Problem.Thanks!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: DamnedRegistrations on March 26, 2021, 04:31:19 AM
Is there any possible way to display game title text instead of the missing wheel icons? Makes navigating a bit difficult.

Hi, not that I am aware of. You can post this question also on our discord channel where more people can see it and interact:

BTW, did you see our Hyperspin Attraction build? It's our homage to HS:  :)
That's funny. Back in like 2017 we hated that you guys were taking our artwork we made for HS and freely distributing it but I don't care now. I usually always gave out all the wheel and box art I worked on for anyone who asked (I did most of the Sega Genesis 3D box set for example). The main dev for HS lied repeatedly promising updates for HS and basically disappeared while still collecting membership payments. We never even got widescreen support for it. So I'm glad to see HS artwork being spread around online now.

However I don't like to see Emumovies vids being given out if I'm being honest. I spent a large amount of time doing a ton of videos you guys are just handing out in torrents. Circo and Emumovies deserves the support and people should be paying for those.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 26, 2021, 03:39:16 PM
On the contrary, People worked countless hours on thousands of themes and distributed it freely on the HS website and forums. Recording those themes and placing them behind pay walls is what is wrong.
Furthermore, the entire retro gaming scene is built upon other people’s artwork and IP which is fine as it is exactly the purpose of the scene in the first place - to remember and experience their work.
Our build is a free, no payment involved, easy to use tribute to HyperSpin’s community, we do not hide it, we emphasize it!  :)

To be clear: I am not criticizing you personally in any way or form and if you recorded many of these videos we will be happy to add you to the new credits video we are doing for the next update (current credits screen is a jpg and there is not enough room for all the required names).
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: DamnedRegistrations on March 27, 2021, 05:09:16 PM
As I said, I don't mind HS artwork to be distributed around. You can search my name on the HS site to see all the things I've worked on, I never had an issue giving things out to people who asked and couldn't afford a premium account. It's just artwork afterall.

You don't need to credit me for anything but I don't think it's right for videos from Emumovies to be shared out on what is basically a piracy site. That's a whole other matter. Circo has spent years recording videos and everything that comes with maintaining a large site like that by himself. It isn't free to host thousands of video files afterall. You're essentially stealing from him by taking vids from there and handing them out in torrents and thinking it's okay if you just throw our names in the credits.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Enkak on March 28, 2021, 03:11:12 AM
As I said, I don't mind HS artwork to be distributed around. You can search my name on the HS site to see all the things I've worked on, I never had an issue giving things out to people who asked and couldn't afford a premium account. It's just artwork afterall.

You don't need to credit me for anything but I don't think it's right for videos from Emumovies to be shared out on what is basically a piracy site. That's a whole other matter. Circo has spent years recording videos and everything that comes with maintaining a large site like that by himself. It isn't free to host thousands of video files afterall. You're essentially stealing from him by taking vids from there and handing them out in torrents and thinking it's okay if you just throw our names in the credits.

Firstly let me say hi. :)

Now to hopefully clear some things in this matter.
Our intention, and you can see in base build description, was not to upset anyone. The opposite really. A tribute and to give people a fun alternative since original HS can be a headache as we know.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: kent79 on March 28, 2021, 09:39:04 AM
Dear DamnedRegistrations , take it easy man.

In my mind, all is fair use, the important thing is - don't get money from the project or put it to business use. All contributors is also nice guy.  ;)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 28, 2021, 09:54:56 AM
As I said, I don't mind HS artwork to be distributed around. You can search my name on the HS site to see all the things I've worked on, I never had an issue giving things out to people who asked and couldn't afford a premium account. It's just artwork afterall.

You don't need to credit me for anything but I don't think it's right for videos from Emumovies to be shared out on what is basically a piracy site. That's a whole other matter. Circo has spent years recording videos and everything that comes with maintaining a large site like that by himself. It isn't free to host thousands of video files afterall. You're essentially stealing from him by taking vids from there and handing them out in torrents and thinking it's okay if you just throw our names in the credits.

You are making money or assisting others to make money from other people’s work and you are blaming us of stealing?? Did you ask permission from theme creators, artists, game developers or publishers to record and sell their work?? What a hypocrite!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: duy64 on March 28, 2021, 10:54:23 AM
For some reason I can't get the "At The Arcade" theme to show the cabinet, it will show the video and the marque, every other version of the "At The Arcade Mugen, Atomiswave, etc..." theme seems to work fine.
I'm using the nightly build of AM, and it was working on the previous versions of the collection, I haven't made any changes to the settings.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 28, 2021, 12:16:13 PM
For some reason I can't get the "At The Arcade" theme to show the cabinet, it will show the video and the marque, every other version of the "At The Arcade Mugen, Atomiswave, etc..." theme seems to work fine.
I'm using the nightly build of AM, and it was working on the previous versions of the collection, I haven't made any changes to the settings.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi! can you please post the layout.nut file that is in your At-The-Arcade folder?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on March 28, 2021, 12:28:43 PM
No matter, I found the issue. Copy the attached layout.nut file to your At-The-Arcade folder, it should work now.
I will update the main download as well (you don't need to redownload).

Thanks for reporting it.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: duy64 on March 29, 2021, 04:38:42 PM
I downloaded the new nut file, and it is now working properly again.

Thank you,
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 01, 2021, 08:10:59 AM
hi guys

The 3ds theme has a problem with the video display, where to configure to adjust the video to the console?

can you post a screenshot of the problem?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 02, 2021, 12:41:22 AM
This theme was created for the top videos only as there were no game videos available for this platform at the time.
If you have a library of game videos for this device that include both the top and bottom parts please share it and I will redo the code to support it.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Multiplexer02 on May 07, 2021, 07:44:50 AM
I had a question about the "PCCA" Theme. When i use a Romlist that have Roms from "Capcom Classics" from the Arcade Emulator and the Videos only in the Arcade Folder
Is it not possible like in the other Themes "At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab" that the videos are displayed anyway?
I saw in the func.nut is only the Path for "Main Menu/Video/" can i fix this with some Lines? I see no reference in the Other Multi-Cab Them to the orginal Snap

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 07, 2021, 10:47:50 PM
I had a question about the "PCCA" Theme. When i use a Romlist that have Roms from "Capcom Classics" from the Arcade Emulator and the Videos only in the Arcade Folder
Is it not possible like in the other Themes "At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab" that the videos are displayed anyway?
I saw in the func.nut is only the Path for "Main Menu/Video/" can i fix this with some Lines? I see no reference in the Other Multi-Cab Them to the orginal Snap

PCCA emulates hyperspin's file structure as well, it will look for a system's media in that system's media folder.
So Mame will be .../Media/MAME/Themes or .../Media/MAME/Video

You can read more here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mikeandbirgit on May 09, 2021, 11:07:23 AM
Keep having issues with artwork being in the wrong order so like snes theme mario is in front of everything and tv is blocking the snes logo and so on and having a issue with exit.It will say exit but put doesnt have any artwork saying yes or no so u have to guess with up and down arrow which one is yes
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on May 09, 2021, 11:47:47 PM
Keep having issues with artwork being in the wrong order so like snes theme mario is in front of everything and tv is blocking the snes logo and so on and having a issue with exit.It will say exit but put doesnt have any artwork saying yes or no so u have to guess with up and down arrow which one is yes

What system are you running this on?
Did you edit any of the code?
this is a very weird scenario you are describing...
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Multiplexer02 on May 11, 2021, 07:49:32 AM
Yes i know. But is it possible to code it so that the Video comes from the selected Rom, like in the other Themes? 

I had a question about the "PCCA" Theme. When i use a Romlist that have Roms from "Capcom Classics" from the Arcade Emulator and the Videos only in the Arcade Folder
Is it not possible like in the other Themes "At-The-Arcade Multi-Cab" that the videos are displayed anyway?
I saw in the func.nut is only the Path for "Main Menu/Video/" can i fix this with some Lines? I see no reference in the Other Multi-Cab Them to the orginal Snap

PCCA emulates hyperspin's file structure as well, it will look for a system's media in that system's media folder.
So Mame will be .../Media/MAME/Themes or .../Media/MAME/Video

You can read more here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: cybermat on May 21, 2021, 06:10:55 AM
Firstly, thanks for all this hardwork!

I have a question regarding Naomi 2 , i see that wheel layout videos etc etc are missing for this "system" , is not a problem for me listing Naomi 1 and Naomi 2 under the same system, but i want to be sure about that.
I also "edited" wheels , cabinets adding "2" , no problem i can copy and paste Naomi system in order to have a dedicated layout.

Last question, is there a tool able to change the same settings for all layout listed at once ? Usually i turn off video sound, wheel sound etc etc.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: myriadgamers on June 24, 2021, 12:47:28 PM
Was watching the video for this and loved the Daphne theme, how do I get the extra artwork you had popping in to work?

Edit - I figured it out, turns out those are full videos that take up the whole screen. Pulled them on EmuMovies and I am super pleased with how it looks! Thank you!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on August 27, 2021, 08:37:34 AM
can you teach me how you did it. Im still having problem for the videos not showing on the hyper theme I still getting the static screen :(

You want to look here:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Rynhho on September 04, 2021, 02:34:27 AM
This theme was created for the top videos only as there were no game videos available for this platform at the time.
If you have a library of game videos for this device that include both the top and bottom parts please share it and I will redo the code to support it.

Hello, here's one:

Your work is awesome, thank you :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on September 04, 2021, 11:40:25 PM
Hello, here's one:

Your work is awesome, thank you :)

Thanks, I will look into it in some stage  :)
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Pochowandpoch on October 03, 2021, 02:17:46 PM
Hi guys,i edited the nut file,now the discs rotate (with option to activate / deactivate)

Download layout.nut for SNK Neo Geo CD with spin disc->

I am also converting the themes to 4:3
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 06, 2021, 01:23:24 AM
For some reason I forgot to add the 'PC Games' theme in the last update. Fixed it.

Download the collection to have it:
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on October 08, 2021, 01:02:09 PM
Hi Yaron.

Have you a github to share and help contribution ?

I made a theme for the missing Nec Supergrafx.

Hope you like it, or maybe use it as a base.

Best regards
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on October 08, 2021, 11:15:38 PM
Hi Yaron.

Have you a github to share and help contribution ?

I made a theme for the missing Nec Supergrafx.

Hope you like it, or maybe use it as a base.

Best regards

Awesome! you can post your themes here on this thread.
no github at this stage, maybe I'll add later
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on October 09, 2021, 12:53:52 AM

So, this is the "NEC Supergrafx" layout.

Best regards
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Nosfé on December 05, 2021, 04:20:35 PM
Thank you for this awesome theme !

I've downloaded Main menu systems unified video snaps for all my systems, but in AM, quality is bad, and if I open video in VLC, quality is good.
I'm not sure if this is theme related or AM related, may you help me please ?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: jlhorner1974 on January 13, 2022, 04:41:33 AM
I tried to download the collection from the link in the first post, but it seems to be broken, Is there any other way to get it?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Jwach26 on January 16, 2022, 06:19:16 AM
This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Mark Norville on January 16, 2022, 06:29:42 AM
This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?

If someone does not have the files, then they cannot re host it. It is down to the original theme creator to do things.

I have downloaded the below files and uploaded them to my Google drive as an extra download link

Thanks to unfetteredmight
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: unfetteredmight on January 17, 2022, 06:35:11 AM
I tried to download the collection from the link in the first post, but it seems to be broken, Is there any other way to get it?

This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?

Here is a link for the collection, I do not have the optional downloads but those assets are easy enough to source. Keep a copy of the zip so if my link dies and someone else requests a reupload there are other copies floating out there.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: myriadgamers on January 17, 2022, 08:40:55 AM
Here is another link for the file collection if someone needs it!

I have plenty of space so I will just leave it on this site indefinitely.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: jlhorner1974 on January 17, 2022, 12:50:35 PM
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 22, 2022, 05:44:10 AM

No one is saying anything bad about Yaron. The thread was dead for months with newbies asking where the files were, cannot download etc etc. I posted in bold that the theme creator is not active and that the files are dead.

However, a newbie with no posts, suddenly appears and their first post is to say here are the files so myself and Myramidgames download the files, re upload them so people have multiple choices and hopefully no dead links in the future.

We now have half empty, claiming to be the original theme creator (na Yaron), with only a mouthy loud and foul mouth newbie saying that this person is Yaron.

I said that I will remove the bold statements, that the theme is dead and the creator is inactive, once it has been proved that he is indeed Yaron, and until that is proved then the bold can stay.

I would trust your word, a mod or admin's word, but I would not trust the word of a newbie, or a foul mouth friend of his.

The thread had been dead for months, and yes it should have stayed open for users of that theme, but when you have new users wanting to know where the files were, re hosting them etc etc, I done a soft lockdown on the thread.

E.G THE THREAD IS DEAD, FILES ARE DEAD, THEME CREATOR INACTIVE that way it stops new users from posting the same thing over and over again, at least if they see and read the bold then they will hopefully not post asking where the files are.

The only thing that I find suspect, is that the original theme creator Yaron has been inactive for months, and now suddenly a new account saying I am the creator. The blokes mannerism and typing does not match up to the original creator from what I can read.

Hence why, until someone confirms that it is him 100% I am taking it with a pinch of salt.



You are seriously annoying, so much so that you wake up the dead.
Please remove all your posts from my thread.

Fixed the download link.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Mark Norville on January 22, 2022, 05:51:43 AM
Welcome back, bold has been removed as promised.

You are a bit more believable on your old account.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on January 22, 2022, 06:11:44 AM
All is good, removed the fighting posts.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Asterra2 on June 21, 2022, 05:45:11 PM
Quick question that will hopefully be noticed in the next day or two (since that's my time limit).

I had all the frontends for my various systems set up to point to the themes in this package.  I did this on a 4K system.  But the intended platform is a 1080p laptop.  I have noticed that when I migrate to said laptop, all of the themes go out of whack.  Mostly the elements are strewn about and the wheel is missing (off-camera to the right?), but in some cases (like Odyssey 2) everything immediately fades to black—possibly because a misplaced, pure black image is covering everything?

Anyway, it's an easy guess that these themes are detecting 4K from the start, but then getting "locked" to 4K, so that they no longer work correctly on a lower resolution like 1080p.

Whatever's actually going on, I'm wondering what my options are here.  Right now, I'm considering keeping two entire copies of AttractMode + these themes, and letting one on them lock to 4K and the other to 1080p.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Nickelbawker on July 05, 2022, 10:49:22 PM
Love the themes!

So far I dove in and moved the PS1 console over to the right about 500 pixel I guess, Bandi to behind the T.V. and over to the right a bit & I have edited out the frame rate counter and the Steam message out of the video in the gtc-common. Same encoders although no quality spared on the output. Also changed the background on the PS1, not really sure what the background that's there is from (Crash or Lion King are my guesses) Doesn't look familiar to me aside from that. Couldn't find a really clean old Mech Warrior 2 background so I'm doing a modern artistic one with old Mechs.

I have uploaded the gtc-common bkg video here if you need it for the collection.

To make the edit yourself instead, all I did was take a picture of the bottom corner in my video player while full-screen, open that picture in gimp, paint over the FPS counter on frame one then put that picture in the bottom corner of the screen in Avidemux and then saved the edit with identical encoders.

Next I want to move the arcade machine down & possibly make marquee shorter as well so that I can see the fan & configure the marquees to line up with the new setting. The ceiling fan is a neat touch but is covered up by the cab 99% of the time, I think it would be cool to see it and I don't need to see the controls since my cabs physical controls are there.

Plan on adding 4-5 more and then a system selector most likely iomenu if it's not too difficult to get it up and running. Way smoother than my HyperSpin install & way easier & love that you can adjust it inside of attract. Helps me out doing a lot of the file work on my main computer, copying it over and then just selecting stuff with the stick controls once it's on there. Would be even easier if I had space on my main PCs C drive for a mirror setup, but I don't. $20 230g ssd Arcade and $50 120g 7 years ago ssd in my main PC ;D.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 25, 2022, 02:47:42 PM

Great work!! Your themes works, ith attract plus ?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 26, 2022, 07:23:26 AM

Great work!! Your themes works, ith attract plus ?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 26, 2022, 12:37:06 PM
thx a lot. I'll try soon
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 27, 2022, 11:49:57 AM

your work is amazing!!!! I have just a problem. I took the gameboy layout, I configured to sqhow the boxart and cartart but I have onlye the roms name and the snap in background, do you know why?

There is my cfg file :
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable           "M:\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe"
args                 -L M:\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\vbam_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath              M:\attract\systems\Nintendo Game Boy\roms
romext               .gb;.zip;.7zip;.rar
system               Nintendo Game Boy
artwork    boxart          M:\attract\menu-art\Nintendo Game Boy\boxart
artwork    cartart         M:\attract\menu-art\Nintendo Game Boy\cartart
artwork    flyer           
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            M:\attract\menu-art\Nintendo Game Boy\snap
artwork    wheel           M:\attract\menu-art\Nintendo Game Boy\wheel

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 28, 2022, 06:58:27 AM
someboidy know why I don't see the wheel and why the snap play in backgroud? thx a lot
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 28, 2022, 08:37:19 AM
In y last post i attached the last-run file . There is some error but I don't understand how to fix them
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 30, 2022, 01:13:06 AM
In y last post i attached the last-run file . There is some error but I don't understand how to fix them

There is probably a user error - what does the console AND last_run.log file shows?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: tom75000 on July 30, 2022, 02:28:27 AM
Thx. Yes and I don't know.
I just reinstalled everything and it's work.
This theme is really nice. Great work.

It is possible to display the information of the games (description, number of player, year...)?

Thx a lot!!
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Yaron2019 on July 30, 2022, 08:08:20 AM

It is possible to display the information of the games (description, number of player, year...)?

The available options are featured in the layout options menu.
If you want anything else you can add the code to the layout nut file.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: 22marco77 on May 21, 2023, 03:27:57 AM
I have a problem, I read the posts and followed the guide, I put the videos in the folder called themes and the wheels in the menu-art folder, I see the videos but I don't see the wheels, why????I ask for help
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: OldGamer on May 24, 2023, 05:07:55 AM
I have a problem, I read the posts and followed the guide, I put the videos in the folder called themes and the wheels in the menu-art folder, I see the videos but I don't see the wheels, why????I ask for help
did you make sure you made a folder for it and also give a right path for it ? can you show us your arg text for it as well ?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: starc2k on August 09, 2023, 08:03:45 AM
download links are dead,,,
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: PaCiFiKbAllA on October 20, 2023, 10:24:01 PM
Here is a little GTC goodness I brought back from the wild….it’s not all of them, but it’s a good chunk:

Download: (
* - I added a few things to these that they didn’t have.  A music player, clock (date and time), and other things.  I tested these in AM+ 2.6.2 and AM+ 3.0 and they work well in both.

GTC: (

This one I made and included in the pack:
PS2 Layout: (
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Barnabas on December 26, 2023, 06:38:11 AM
Hi Friends

The download link is no longer available.  :-\

And the version published by PaCiFiKbAllA is not complete, it does not include the Hyperspin theme.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on December 26, 2023, 07:16:22 AM
I've uploaded the last version here : (
It works with attract+.
You have to fix all font's name in layout (add the extensions to the font name) if you want it works good.

Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Barnabas on December 28, 2023, 05:40:23 AM
Thank you very much, Master
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: joelsaacks on December 31, 2023, 09:21:12 AM
I've uploaded the last version here : (
It works with attract+.
You have to fix all font's name in layout (add the extensions to the font name) if you want it works good.

Can you reupload it ?
The link doesn't work anymore
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on December 31, 2023, 11:53:29 AM
It is available until 02 January. Normaly you can download it.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: joewhite on January 03, 2024, 03:45:47 PM
It is available until 02 January. Normaly you can download it.
Doh! *Now* I see this!

/queue Maxwell Smart: "Missed it by *that* much!"
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on January 04, 2024, 07:21:08 AM
Ok, christmas is over but I put it on my google drive, public access to everybody :

It's the version for attract+
You need to change all *.lay files (add the good extension for the font name) to have it working correctly.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: freejack1971 on February 05, 2024, 09:07:38 PM
Is the Hyperspin Theme Mode layout in this package?  I only see the Main Menu Hyperspin layout, and for me it shows everything video in full screen with the wheel on the right.
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: stmerzouk on February 15, 2024, 08:00:47 AM
Hello, the links are dead, can someone have the collection and give me a download link?
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: mentat on February 16, 2024, 11:18:32 AM
My link is valid (2 posts before yours), you can download from it.

Best regards
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Sebiohazard on April 16, 2024, 08:53:12 PM
Good morning 8)

Thank you for your work, would it be possible to add the Philips CD-i console soon to your theme ?

Greetings !
Title: Re: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)
Post by: Drodrick on February 01, 2025, 12:35:24 AM
My link is valid (2 posts before yours), you can download from it.

Best regards

thanks but that is BETA2, dont you have the FINAL one? I´m looking for Hyerpins Theme Mode