hello, thanks for the answer, but I don't think I have explained myself well.
Those routes are clear to me, and they are defined in the emulator configurations.
but I am referring to the hyperspin layout (main menu), that is, only the main menu, then by emulators I have each one set, but in the main menu I want to use the hyperspin one.
If it loads the icons of the corresponding platforms (snes, mame, etc ...) on the wheel, but it is supposed to have some background videos of the systems, and it only loads a static image video.
that's my question, those videos for the systems, where are they supposed to go and what names do they have to have?
Thank you
The 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' will look for it's videos in attract/menu-art/themes
and wheel logos in attract/menu-art/wheel
For general knowledge: In attract mode, there are three basic layers: the emulator, the display name assigned to it and the layout/theme that is assigned to that display name.
You can see all of them by launching attract mode, pressing the TAB button and going to either the emulator or displays menus.
For the main menu, there is a special display name defined by attract mode called 'Display Menu Options' listed at the bottom of the display configure list.
The 'Hyperspin Main Menu Theme Mode' layout will look for matching the display name of a system with the name of the videos and wheel logos in the
attract/menu-art/themes and attract/menu-art/wheel folders.
So if your display name for SNES is 'Super Nintendo Entertainment System", the theme background video and wheel logo must have the same name.
If your arcade collection's display name is called "Mame", then the background video should be "Mame.mp4" and wheel logo should be "Mame.png".
If your Sega-Genesis display name is "Sega Genesis", then the background video should be "Sega Genesis.mp4" and wheel logo should be "Sega Genesis.png".
I hope it answers your questions.