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Messages - FrizzleFried

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Themes / SDArcade V3.00
« on: December 11, 2018, 11:18:50 PM »

SDArcade is the PERFECT Attract-Mode front end theme for lower resolution arcade monitor setups.  Originally made by JediOne for the PC version of Attract-Mode in the vein of the ArcadeSD arcade multigame system,  Dee2er converted it for use with the Pi.  It's been through a number of changes since then.  Version 3 brings to the table a number of new features including backgrounds, static frames and more...

• select vertical or horizontal mode
• 8 backgrounds or the original black
• 8 static frames or the original animated color changing frame
• 3 sizes of "preview" frame to choose from
• 5 header animation types
• select wheel graphics or marquee graphics for the header
• more...

You can download it here:

General / Re: Romlist?
« on: December 07, 2018, 09:31:57 AM »
I like to use this nifty little system to make my attract mode romlists...

You can change the language to english/italian.

Cool tool and looks interesting but I don't think it will get the detail that xev1n is trying to achieve.

I quickly looked at your link and plan to look further later. It looks promising but I question if some of the additional fields in the AM romlist header output actually work or provide benefit.

I used it to generate lists primarily by manufacturer,  monitor orientation,  and input device (trackball/spinner list for horizontal cabs,  for example)...

General / Re: Romlist?
« on: December 06, 2018, 12:16:45 PM »
I like to use this nifty little system to make my attract mode romlists...

You can change the language to english/italian.

General / Re: Fun with raspberry pi
« on: November 29, 2018, 07:24:18 AM »
Pi 3 b+ has no default overclock options. It’s just a fun project to see if I can run same romset as my arcade machine. As it stands, the pi is already better than these retro consoles (my opinion) because it has composite out. I don’t expect it to be perfect. I don’t even play video games. Just like the hobby. Arcade reminds me of time with my father as a kid.

I am not sure if I am picking up what you're putting down correctly, but yes,  you can overclock the Pi3+... I'm running mine at 1475mhz but more importantly I'm overclocking the core/gpu, etc to 550mhz. 

Also,  I agree that you should never use the supplied sticky crap with any heatsink... I have a tube of thermal epoxy here for just such cases.  Prior to the HSF I could only overclock to 1450 stable... with it I'm at 1475 rock stable... 1485 will run for hours but did crash once so I pulled back a hair.   Sure... 25mhz aint much,  but it's something... and it's fun to tinker. 

For the fan,  I simply attached a 12v 40mm fan mounted via a PCB standoff blowing across the epoxied heatsink...

As for noise... it's nearly dead-quiet ... and when I close the control panel you can't hear it at all.

As for power consumption,  my Pi is in an arcade cabinet and I'm pulling the 12v from the much much overkill arcade power supply.


Themes / Re: Conveyor_Helper Module for Themers: Updated - 11/28/2017
« on: November 28, 2018, 08:11:41 AM »
OK... I am using the ch.Coverflow option... and the videos are showing in all windows.  This isn't a big problem except when exiting games... for some reason,  the system decides to play the audio for all videos running at the same time.  As soon as i move one spot,  it kills the audio on all non selected videos and runs as normal...

My plan was to change the coverflow to snaps (non-video)... then after x number of seconds drop a video over the snap only in the center.

HOWEVER... inside the conveyor helper module I find this code...

Code: [Select]
// turn off video playing if the current game item is not the selected one. (test using the alpha channel for background selected image)

This is exactly what I am trying to do... how do I implement this?

NOTE: You're going to have to talk down to me... I am merely a hack when it comes to coding... but a semi-decent hack...


Themes / Re: Conveyor_Helper Module for Themers: Updated - 11/28/2017
« on: November 28, 2018, 06:54:57 AM »
Hmmm... the behavior I am looking for is on display in the SDArcade layout.  Perhaps I'll poke around it to see how they do it...

I guess I COULD separate the snaps from the vids,  but if I want to release this layout I can't expect others to do the same...

Themes / Re: Conveyor_Helper Module for Themers: Updated - 11/28/2017
« on: November 27, 2018, 07:46:28 PM »
When I use artwork type "snap", it selects the movie files within the same folder and not the static files.  How do I force it to select the static files and not the movie files?


Scripting / Re: AM will prefer to play video issue
« on: May 13, 2018, 06:04:53 AM »
Download the latest SDARCADE module from my site... it includes code that pulls up snaps only... then separate code that places and plays a video over the top of the snapshot after x number of seconds.  This should achieve the goal you're looking for,  no?

Themes / Re: Custom Theme Page Online
« on: May 09, 2018, 03:41:12 PM »
Your site is beautiful. I will definitely spend some time there in the near future.

Thank you. 

Themes / Custom Theme Page Online
« on: May 09, 2018, 01:23:09 PM »
OK,  I've managed to finally get my Attract-Mode Custom Theme page up and going... you can find it either by visiting and clicking the AM LAYOUTS button at the top menu bar or you can pop in directly by clicking HERE.

I currently have 10 themes up... including the just released update to SDArcade...

Scripting / Re: How Can I Accomplish This?
« on: May 07, 2018, 11:02:19 AM »
Here is the code in question...

Code: [Select]
local marquee2 = fe.add_artwork( "wheel", flx*0.150, 5, flw*0.700, flh*0.200 );
marquee2.index_offset = -1

local marquee2_scale_cfg = {
when = function( anim ) { if ( anim.transition.ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection && anim.transition.var == -1 ) return true; return false; },
property = "scale",
start = 1.0,
end = 0.01,
time = 0500,
tween = Tween.Linear,
local marquee2_move_cfg = {
when = function( anim ) { if ( anim.transition.ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection && anim.transition.var == -1 ) return true; return false; },
property = "y",
start = fly*0.010,
end = fly*0.140,
time = 0500 ,

local marquee3 = fe.add_artwork( "wheel", flx*0.150, 5, flw*0.700, flh*0.200 );
marquee3.index_offset = 1

local marquee3_scale_cfg = {
when = function( anim ) { if ( anim.transition.ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection && anim.transition.var == 1 ) return true; return false; },
property = "scale",
start = 1.0,
end = 0.01,
time = 0500,
tween = Tween.Linear,
local marquee3_move_cfg = {
when = function( anim ) { if ( anim.transition.ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection && anim.transition.var == 1 ) return true; return false; },
property = "y",
start = fly*0.010,
end = fly*0.140,
time = 0500 ,
local marquee = fe.add_artwork( "wheel", flx*0.150, fly*-0.2, flw*0.700, flh*0.200 );
local marquee_move_cfg = {
when =Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "y",
start = fly*-0.2,
end = fly*0.010,
time = 500 ,
tween = Tween.Expo,

animation.add( PropertyAnimation( marquee, marquee_move_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( marquee2, marquee2_scale_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( marquee2, marquee2_move_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( marquee3, marquee3_scale_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( marquee3, marquee3_move_cfg ) );

Scripting / Re: How Can I Accomplish This?
« on: May 07, 2018, 06:48:59 AM »
Tried that... the element STAYS at zero alpha.  I need it to be zero alpha at the start then 255 alpha from the moment a key is touched...

Essentially I have two animations going... one that "zooms in" the just selected to artwork... and one that "zooms out" the prior selected artwork.  It works great if you go one direction... but as soon as you try the other direction the artwork that is "zooming out" is off by 2 because of the index_offset setting that I had to set to make sure the image zooming out was the "last" image dished up and not the "current" image being dished up by the system.   In order to combat this I created two local's that would dish up the proper offset image going left... and another going right.  It works great too ONCE YOU MOVE LEFT/RIGHT ONCE.  Until then,  both the -1 and 1 offset images appear on screen UNTIL you click left then right then they properly get setup and things work great from there... I'm just trying to make those images BLANK until the user pushes left or right...

I hope I'm explaining correctly...

Scripting / How Can I Accomplish This?
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:55:15 PM »
I have an image that is animated based the trigger to change game.  I need that image to remain blank (zero alpha) until the animation starts... how is that accomplished?

Themes / Re: ArcadeSD layout?
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:47:21 AM »
I am not sure if Jedi is still developing ... I will be releasing a super-sized version of this mod VERY shortly (just working out a couple animation issues) which will include 3 "preview" size adjustments.... full video option for only the center frame.... speed options for the scroll... the choice to use "wheel" or "marquee" images for the animated top "title" ... and a half dozen or so different animations to choose from as well.   You can make it look nearly identical to the ArcadeSD or you can tweak it to where it's much different ... but still very familiar.

I am having trouble with one animation issue that I'm trying to figure out (or I just may remove that option)... a final clean up... and then I'll release it.  Give me a few days at the most (or sooner... depends on what I end up deciding to do with my animation issue).

Oh,  and it's all developed on a PC and tested on a Pi3 so it's working on both platforms without issue.

EDIT: Here is a video I did last week on my progress...

Themes / Vertical Sphere
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:40:19 AM »

Vertical Sphere - A lower-resolution vertically oriented layout designed primarily for low-res arcade cabinets.

A quick demo can be seen here:

You can download the layout HERE.

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