Now for the revised version. Took a long time for AM to launch with this one. Always closed immediately. When it finally launched I still don't have pictures in the display menu. I entered some collections, changed Arcade boxart switch to screenshots. Out, entered SNES, scrolled a little, out. Entered Mega Drive/Genesis, started scrolling, got that letter code error and AM quit/crashed. Log attached.
When you say "Out" do you mean you go back in the menu, or that attract mode crashes?

I was able to replicate the issue you had in the previous log, but in the latest log there's no hint of what went wrong so I'm trying a last time with a revised revised layout. If this still has issues I'll have to go back to 4.5 and see step by step what works and what makes AM go crazy.
Oh, for the display images, that's probably due to the fact that the layout was looking for flyers and not snaps, but that should be fixed too in this latest layout. I don't think it will work 100% though, this update was really complicated, I need to check it on my Mac too.
[EDIT] I've been playing a bit with the new layout and it seems to work, I had no crashes up to now... I'll check better this evening