PS: I still see another problem, is not working the star of favorites and the tag of compled, it only works when I go out and open the AM there it appears.
Going back to the history of Arcadeflow I see that this is a recurring issue, mainly because "ChangedTag" transition doesn't work as expected... I'm sharing a beta of the new version, you can check it, it should fix the stars and tags issue.
It seems that the first time you add a new tag the artwork is not correctly updated, but the next time you add the same tag it works. I don't know why, since the debug output is the same, same transitions triggered, same code executed. I suspect it's related to the screen where you enter the tag name, probably Arcadeflow tries to update the tag artwork when the screen is still showing and no actual tag has been added.
To overcome this, I've forced the tags to refresh as soon as you move to a new game, that should at least mitigate the issue... Hopefully