- When you start AM and the Dysplay Menu appears, the music of the game that was selected the last time I used AM plays. Could you pause that music and leave only the layout music?
Oh that's probably the thumbnail video kicking in while you are browsing the menus, I'll make a tweak so that video stops playing when you enter the menu
- Someone asked if you could organize by categories: consoles, arcades, portables, etc. Have you looked if it can be done? is that the Menu display becomes very long.
Hmm yes I think it could be done, one way is adding "console" "arcade" etc to the system definition, but then it will probably mess with the current system logos and the user will have to edit all the systems himself, which I don't think is a good idea.
Oh wait, I have a better idea: I can add an "identifier" to my systems database so Arcadeflow knows that "Game Boy Color" is a portable, "Naomi" is arcade, "snes" is a console and so on. This is easy. What is not easy is coding a multi-level displays menu... which is pretty complex because right now the displays menu with logos works together with the default displays menu. But you know, I like the idea! It's something I've never seen in layouts...
I'll look into it

Maybe it will work only for the "list with logos" displays menu option though