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Scripting / Re: Basic Layout Maker2.0
« Last post by Kaizen777 on Yesterday at 09:22:37 PM »
Super cool, great work!
Scripting / Perspective transformation/correction?
« Last post by Kaizen777 on Yesterday at 09:21:35 PM »
Hello!  I swear I've seen this done in different layouts before.
I'm wanting to be able to load an image and define the coordinates of the 4 corners on display and have perspective correction applied to the image.  Is this possible in AM/AM+?  I swear I've seen layouts that do this before... though I don't recall which ones.    I'd love to hear about what way/ways this could be achieved in AM/AM+, if any.  Thank you!!!
Emulators / Re: Namco 2x6
« Last post by DavidC on Yesterday at 09:48:04 AM »
I've found

--fullscrren --arcade [name]
Emulators / Re: Namco 2x6
« Last post by DavidC on Yesterday at 09:08:53 AM »

According to, you can use play, the ps2 emulator.
For the minimal specs, see the emulator page :

Thank you for your reply.
I managed to launch a game with the Play! emulator.
But I can't launch the game from attract mode.
I don't know what to put in the command line.
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by zestful on June 01, 2024, 11:29:59 AM »
Couple of recent additions to the build. 

Nintendo Wii:

-Original Nintendo Wii menu recreation
-Extension of original Wii game details screen, with some additional meta like boxes, controller art, story
-Recreation of disc inert console lighting effect
-Recreation of controller synch animation
-Original working time/date as per original menu theme

Special thanks to Tankman3737, who got the grid up and running with the curved corners, which sounds easy but is actually quite a challenge to do.  Thanks Oomek also for your awesome Grid Module and Chadnaut for Sequence module (early preview copy for testing) which is used here for the disc & light animations & Mask which is used to curve the corners of the grid.

Sega Master System:


-Support for both media types, theme knows when to animate one and not the other
--Cart animation
--If game was a card, card will animate into slot at the bottom of the console

Scripting / Attract-Mode-Image-Resize
« Last post by manzarek on May 30, 2024, 03:58:09 PM »
A small program for Attract Mode, created with python that allows us to resize our game images in just one click, but obviously you can use it to resize any image you want. Enjoy.
1) Make sure you have the latest version of Python 3.12 (64-bit) on your PC
2) Make sure you have the tkinter and Pillow libraries installed in your Python environment.


Emulators / Re: Namco 2x6
« Last post by mentat on May 30, 2024, 07:10:02 AM »

According to, you can use play, the ps2 emulator.
For the minimal specs, see the emulator page :
Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 17.2 [Release] Updated 22 April 2024
« Last post by DavidC on May 29, 2024, 03:31:08 PM »
Thank you for your reply.
I asked the question in the emulator section.
Can't wait for the next version of ArcadeFlow.
I love this theme.
Emulators / Namco 2x6
« Last post by DavidC on May 29, 2024, 03:27:17 PM »

What emulator do I need for Namco 2x6?

And what configuration to run a game please?
Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 17.2 [Release] Updated 22 April 2024
« Last post by zpaolo11x on May 29, 2024, 01:24:52 PM »
What emulator do I need for Namco 2x6?

And what configuration to run a game please?

While Namco 2x6 is supported as a system by Arcadeflow, I've never emulated that, I think there's some ps2 emulator that can support the system but I'm not 100% sure. You can try asking in the emulator section or on the Attract Mode discord server...
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