In version 4.5 things seems to be working good without those crash issues or others. The only thing I notice compared to other themes is that Arcadeflow taxes the CPU/GPU more.
Yes, Arcadeflow is very demanding, mostly for two reasons: loading of a lot of artworks, even off-screen so the list smoothly scrolls, and using a lot of surfaces and glsl filters. While I tried to optimize filters as much as I can, surfaces stacks can be a real pain. I'm thinking of some radical change as far as surface stacks and shadows are concerned, but you see what happened last time I did some "radical change" to the theme lol
On my late 2013 retina 13" macbook pro AF runs quite well at 1200x800, but it's silky smooth only at lower resolution. You can force a "fake" lower resolution in the options to see if it improves the performance on older systems.
PS: Today I removed "Overview" support from 4.6 and for absolutely no reason it seems to work better. Of course if I try again this evening it will be back to continuous crashes