Hi zpaolo11x,
Arcade flow is the best looking layout I've seen so far, and I'm really enjoying using it.
I tend to use Box-Art Tiles instead of the default Snap Tiles, and I've noticed 2 inconsistencies which I would fix (even if just on my end) if possible. I just wouldn't know where to start and where to look.
When using Snap Tiles, the game title is ritten if a Wheel image is not found. However in Box-Art Mode. the game title isn't written if a box-art isn't available (making it hard to cycle through the games). Further more Wheel images are never used. I understand that normally box art would have the game name in giant text, but I donno, I figured it might look good and I wanted to try

I really like how the system names come out as logos, but I haven't figured out the necessary naming for the systems to ensure they always come out with the logo. Is there a list somewhere we can use to ensure your system names are always correct?
Thank you for this amazing layout.